Chapter Fourteen

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"Wanda, what the hell did you give him?" I yell at her and she turns to me with a glare.

"Don't act like you know me! And why the hell do you care? What's he even doing here, anyway? Who the fuck are you?" Her voice drips with venom and her blue eyes burn. Looking into her eyes, I see wild rage bordering on bat-shit crazy. Damn, Pietro really wasn't exaggerating... but I hope (hope, hope) there's something in there to reason with.

"You don't know me? You break into a house and don't bother to look up who lives in it?" I sound like an asshole, but if it makes her react...

She purses her red lips. "I don't care who lives here!"

The blue energy fizzles out around Pietro and he stumbles to one side, gripping a high-backed chair. He presses his hand to his head and his knees buckle.

Crap. What did she give him? I go through the list of common intravenous drug that disorient people. Maybe it's...

"Oh God, what did you do to me?" Pietro moans. He stands, tottering on his feet, looking around the room in horror. He takes a step toward Wanda and whimpers. "Oh, God. Oh, God! Fix it, Wanda! What if he comes!"

"That's my plan. Make it so you have to stay in one place so Daddy can come to you... and find me."

"You don't understand! He's not coming to rescue me! You're crazy!  I need my powers! Fix it!"

Blue energy strikes Pietro in the stomach and he goes flying into a back wall. Wanda glowers at him, her left fist crackling with power. "Don't you ever call me that."

I can't turn my neck enough to see if Pietro is okay. Damn, damn, this is not good. That drug took his speed. He can't protect himself from her or anyone else, and I can't move!

"Look, Goth Girl, if you got beef with the pale kid over there, take it outside! Our dad's gonna get back and kick our asses for this mess you're making!" Jason yells.

Wanda sneers in Jason's direction. "I don't care about your rich daddy." She frowns and turns back to me. "Why did you ask if I know you? I don't know any rich kids."

"Do you know whose house this is?" I ask.

She puts a hand on her hip. "Bruce Wayne's house, and I know you're not Bruce Wayne. You one of those charity kids he adopted to make himself look good?"

I take a deep breath. Man-oh-man do I love taking chances lately. "Do you remember the tire swing by the lake and getting stuck in that tree? You were six. Do you remember who got you down?"

Her eyes go wide as she stares at me, taking me all the way in. The anger and bitterness bleed out of her expression for a moment, and she's my cousin Wanda. The blue sparks vanish from her hands. "Richard?"

I nod.

"What are you doing here? Aunt Mary and Uncle John work for Bruce Wayne now?" I blink at the hope I see growing in her eyes.

I shake my head. "They're dead. They got killed a year after Aunt Marya and Uncle Django."

"What?" There's a slight tremor in her voice and her face goes white. "Killed... how?"

I see the hope in her eyes die. What did she think before? Did she want to see my parents again? She used to love them.

"Murder," I say, blinking back images. Bruce says one day I'll be able to talk about it and not see it. I think he's full of shit.

Rage flares in her eyes again and her entire body crackles with power. "I can't have anything!" Dishes explode in the china cabinets behind her, pictures fall off the walls, the furniture starts sliding across the floor, and I can move. The crackling blue force field around my body is gone.

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