Prologue and Chapter One

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Categories: Cartoon, Young Justice; Cartoon, X-Men Evolution

Main Characters: Dick Grayson; Pietro Maximoff

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: I do not own any DC or Marvel characters, storylines, etc used in this story. Some characters were maimed in the creative process, but don't worry. Death in comic book land isn't always permanent. (Muhahaha!)

From Yesterday, it's coming

From Yesterday, the fear

From Yesterday, it calls him

"From Yesterday"—30 Seconds to Mars.


Gotham Gazette, November 2, 2015 P.21

RICHARD GRAYSON, 15, leads Gotham Academy's male gymnastics team to victory by placing first in the all-around category at Saturday's district meet. Grayson, adopted son of multi-billionaire Bruce Wayne, is a former circus acrobat and no stranger to performing dangerous gymnastic feats in front of large audiences. Grayson will compete in the regional gymnastics competition being held at Gotham University this weekend, and is predicted to medal once again in all-around and individual medal events.

The boy stuffs the newspaper into his backpack.

The Greyhound station in the middle of nowhere North Carolina isn't busy at 4:13 in the morning. Hell, he's surprised it's open. The last time he was in the middle of nowhere, the bus dropped him off outside a station that had closed two hours before he got there.

He stares up at the board behind the ticket desk. There's a bus to Gotham City that will get him there in about seven hours. He thinks about how much money he has left and if he should waste it on bus fare.

It's not like he really needs to take the bus. He can get himself to Gotham City in no time on his own, but seven hours of sleep without having to stop moving sounds fantastic. He reaches into the pocket of his winter coat and pulls out his wallet. Running a thumb over his cash, he has second thoughts.

He hasn't seen Dick Grayson since they were both seven years old and climbing trees and jumping in lakes. A small smile touches his lips as he thinks about springs and summers in Velingrad and Karatepe picking blueberries and learning to fish and swim. Back when things were easy and nothing was expected of him. They'd had great fun, but it's a lifetime ago. Maybe Dick won't remember him. The thought hurts like needles being jammed into his sides.

God, I just want to talk to someone who doesn't want to fuckin' kill me.

A door slams somewhere in the bus station and he jumps, head whipping around as his breathing speeds up and his heart races faster. His eyes scan the small room. There's an old woman in an oversized red parka, and a man with a German Sheppard on a leash. Nobody strange—but that doesn't mean anything. It never means anything. Not when strange can make herself look like anyone she wants. Not when strange can take control of people's minds and make them come after you.

It's happened too many times before.

He has to move again.

He approaches the desk and slaps 60 bucks on the counter. His hands shake and his voice quivers. "One ticket for the 6:00 AM bus to Gotham City. One-way."

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