Chapter Ten

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"So, that's it. You do what he says, no matter how wrong it is, because he's your dad," I say, my voice sounds soft but I feel... I don't know how I feel. Torn apart because I kinda understand... torn apart because I can't help him now... torn apart because I can see Bruce glaring at me.

"No," Pietro says, his voice quivering with the rest of him. "I'm in this shit, because I couldn't do what he said. He wanted me to set off a bomb. There were people in the building and he wouldn't let me tell them to get out." His pitch soars and his voice cracks in places. "I said 'no', in front of the rest of his Acolytes." Pietro swallows. "I embarrassed him. He wants to—he has to make an example out of me. I was just supposed to stand there and take it like a man, right? Hell no. Hell. No. I ran."

And never stopped. He's been running from his father this whole time, not the shapeshifter or the mutant in red.

Pietro's eyes are bright again and he blinks like he's keeping tears at bay. Real men can't cry twice, I guess, which sucks because sometimes things are so shitty what's left to do but cry or go crazy? Crying might make you feel a little better (aside from the headache after); going crazy might get you put in Arkham by your friendly neighborhood Bat.

"What do you think he's gonna do to you?" I ask. It's his dad after all, how bad could it really be? If I was Pietro, I'd be more scared of the shapeshifter woman, or that mutant in red. They'd showed malice; Magneto had sent Lance, Toad, Billy Blob to bust Pietro out of police custody. Magneto, at least, doesn't want his son in jail.

Tears spike Pietro's silver lashes. "I don't know. I don't think he'll kill me, living examples are better. They're walking reminders. So, it's gonna be something painful and permanent. And because I'm his son, it's gotta be memorable because I insulted his bloodline. I make people think the House of Magnus is weak." He sneers as he talks. "Fuckin' bastard. I wish I did know where he was so I coulda told Wanda when she asked. They can kill each other for all I care. Fuck them!"

Whoa—whoa... "Calm down, Pietro. No one's talking about killing... and what do you mean about wanting Magneto and Wanda to kill each other and you not caring?" I grip his shoulder and cringe. The whole bed's shaking with him and his bony little shoulder feels ready to fall apart in my hand.

My cousin laughs. The sound is hard and ugly. "Well—it's hard to love people who'd sooner see you dead, huh? How do you think I ended up in that prison truck? Wanda gift-wrapped me for Magneto, and was probably watching somewhere close to see if he showed up for me so she could jump him. I know she was there. I could fuckin' feel her. Did she try to stop me from going over that cliff? Did she try to do anything when all those bullets were flyin'?"

"I heard someone screaming for those bullets to stop—it was you, wasn't it? And when the truck went over, you tried to stop it. And you had your friend come down and get me, instead of letting me go to that mutant prison." His face contorts and he puts his back to me, as he cries again. "Why can't you be my real family? I wouldn't be so fucked up."

I rub his back, feeling sick and at a loss for what to say. What can I say to make this better? If he's telling me the complete truth, and I really, really think he is this time (my gut, the one Wally trusts with his permanent record, says he is), then Wanda is the mutant in red and she doesn't care if he lives or dies. His blood father wants to seriously hurt him so badly the scars will show for the rest of his life.

"I'm so sorry." I lean over him and press my cheek to his. "But I am your real family, okay? You got that. I'm going to help you." But there are some facts I need, and he's in no shape to give them to me now.

Pietro hiccups between gasps and whimpers. "Put yourself between me and Magneto or Wanda, and you'll get hurt, Dickie. Don't. If you want to help," he keeps staring at the wall, "let me go. I'll hide better. I don't know how Wanda found me, but she won't again."

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