Chapter Eleven

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"You're nuts, like absolutely, positively, certifiably nuts, man," Wally says. I can't argue with him, because I kinda think I'm a little crazy, too. "You're just gonna pop into the Bat Cave with a non-Bat and ask what's for lunch?"

I run a hand through my hair and laugh, imaging busting into the Cave with Pietro and asking Alfie to set another plate. Yeah, Bruce is gonna crap a brick, two bricks, then throw them at my head. I flop back in the arm chair behind me and scowl at Wally who's sprawled over the couch in front of the 72 inch flat screen TV. Then den is a mess of food wrappers, soda cans, crumbs and video game controllers. Throw pillows are on the floor along with a sleeping bag.

"Wallace, you're a pig," I say, and he oinks.

He's not wearing his mask, and he didn't freak out when Pietro followed me out of the infirmary and saw his bare face. He just kinda shrugged, still half-asleep, and said "Whatever. Keep it to yourself, dude."

I'm wearing my street clothes, sans sunglasses. Connor's sleeping in, so I'm not too worried about him coming out and seeing me, but if he does... Like Wally had said, 'Whatever. Keep it to yourself, dude.' After what SB did for me and Tro, he can have my social security number if he wants it.

"Your cuz is an oinker, too," Wally says with a smirk. He tilts his head toward the kitchen where sounds of a speedster rooting through the fridge and pantries and eating up everything in his wake can be heard. "You know, you really should have fed him sooner. I have to eat every 30 minutes. He went for hours."

I frown, feeling like a douche for not realizing that myself, but Tro hadn't said anything. "I gave him an IV."

"For water," Wally says. "Surprised his stomach didn't start eating his flesh, man." Wally's talking with a smile, I know he's joking, but I feel like an ass. I'd stared at how skinny Pietro was, and wondered if he'd been skipping meals to lose so much weight since I'd seen him last. It just didn't occur to me to think: Duh, Dickie, he's like Wally. He loses pounds by the hour if he uses his powers and doesn't eat right before and after.

Or maybe not. I haven't really asked him about how his powers work yet. They seem like Wally's, he eats like Wally, he talks and twitches like Wally.

Pietro comes out of the kitchen with a jug of milk and a box of Cocoa Pebbles. "Hey, this has a name written on it. Can I have it anyway?" He waves the cereal box.

"Dude! That's mine! That's like my last box!" Wally's up in a flash and standing in front of Pietro. "Eat the Apple Jacks!"

"Already did," Pietro says with a wicked grin. "And the Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and the Frosted Flakes, and those round things in the pink tin. I thought they were cookies, but they were nasty. I need the cereal to wash them down with." He shakes the box in Wally's face and Wally's hand blurs toward the box... but Pietro blurs, too. I blink and Pietro's sitting on the arm of the chair I'm lounging in. He shakes Wally's cereal box again, and Wally growls, vanishing. I look to my cousin to find him gone, too.

Crashes and the sounds of furniture scraping and sliding across the floor rock the base. Magazines fly off the table as blurs of orange and green and white and blue streak around the room. Every few seconds, I catch glimpses of Pietro, posing and shaking the cereal box, and Wally glaring.

"Can'tcatchme.Can'tcatchme.You'retoomuchofaklutz!" Pietro sings.

"Gimmemycerealyoubratthief!" Wally shouts.

The couch crashes over onto its side and Wally sits sprawled beside it, rubbing his knees. "Owowowowwow.... Shit!"


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