Chapter Fifteen

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Well, there's no reasoning with crazy people, but the sad part is Wanda's not crazy. I've looked into the eyes of plenty of nutcases to know Wanda's not like them. Under the bat-shit and the unholy anger inside of her, there's a lot of pain. She's just lashing out. Does that mean I'll keep trying to talk her down?

If I had more time, I would.

Wanda paces the room, heavy boots treading hard across the wooden floor. I see Alfie grimacing at the scuff marks she's leaving behind. None of us can move. Wanda's still got us pinned to the floor, but Jason... I don't know if she's holding him down. He's pretty still over there; I don't see any blood, but I think he might be unconscious. I don't dare say anything to him, or Wanda's attention will go to him. So far, he's been pretty good at sneaking up behind her—well, aside from that last time.

The theme song from Harry Potter plays in Pietro's pocket. Wanda smirks and flips him over, snatching his cell phone from his back pocket. Leaving him facedown, she answers. "Quicksilver's phone."

Her expression hardens and her eyes practically glow. "Glad you made it through security. It's a little tough. Come on in, I'm just finishing breakfast." Her eyes rove over the dining table and she snatches a leftover piece of bacon from Tim's plate. She crunches on it while she talks, "Oh, and tell Father to take the helmet off. It's rude to wear hats indoors."

She drops Pietro's phone on the table and finishes the bacon, eyes on the door.

My eyes are on the door, too. Magneto's here? Damn, damn, damn.... Bruce better be on his way, hell, he better be on his way with Superman.

Like I heard Wanda's strange, heavy footsteps, I hear the feet of a group of people coming in our direction. The first to enter is Red Eyes...wearing that same trench coat, and then a young guy with huge muscles and a crew cut wearing a tank top and jeans. Okay, that's fine. If Wanda will let us off the floor, Tim and I can handle Red Eyes and Muscle Man... but then they part, making way for someone else.

A tall man with broad shoulders steps into the room wearing a red and purple get-up and a cape. His white hair is professionally cut and smoothed back from his forehead giving me a clean view of a face that might one day belong to Pietro... if he lives to be that old.

"Father." Wanda's voice is predatory, like a tigress about to eat someone.

"You will behave, Wanda," Magneto says, his voice... God, it's like Hitler's or something. You want to do what he says because he's so confident, so powerful. A shadow moves from behind Magneto, a stooped figure in a monk's robe. "This is Mastermind. He's here to ensure your manners are befitting of a young lady."

Wanda roars and launches herself at Magneto, blue lightening dancing around her fingertips, and then she stops. The lightening vanishes and she gasps, touching her hands to her temples. "Wh...what...?"

A cold smile graces Magneto's lips. Geez... this guy's made of ice; everything about him is subzero. His eyes are glacier pools. "Sit down, Wanda."

I stare as Wanda obeys with clenched teeth, pulling out a dining chair and having a seat.

I'm so stunned it takes a few seconds for me to realize I can move again. I keep still though. It's probably not a good idea for Magneto to notice me right now. I try to make eye contact with Tim and Alfred, and I gaze at Jason under the table again. He's really not moving. Fear stirs inside me. What if Wanda really hurt him? I have to get to him.

"Pietro, how good it is to see you again," Magneto says, casually walking around the table, his boots clacking across the floor. He stands over Pietro, folding his arms over his chest. "Running away is not how we solve problems in this family. I've tried to teach you, to make you stronger, but you continue to disappoint me."

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