Chapter Twelve

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"Okay, okay, let me go in first and get the yelling out of the way, then I'll come get you," I say. I stand a few feet from the opened door of Bruce's study. Normal people close doors when they're angry, Bruce leaves them open so he can yell at the objects of his ire when they walk past. Pietro stands a few feet from me, bouncing in place. "You better not run. You promise me right now you won't run."

"Yeah, yeah, crossmyheartandallthat." Every few seconds something about Pietro blurs. Speedsters really are annoying when they're nervous. "Buttakeyourtime."

I raise a brow. Someone named Quicksilver wants someone else to take their time? "Don't run."

"I won't-I won't!" Pietro mimics sticking a needle in his eye and sticks his tongue out at me and I snort, feeling a little better about entering the lion's den. It's all for a worthy cause. I'm saving the hyperactive idiot about to break a thousand dollar vase.

"Watch the vase!" I shake my head and straighten my spine. Counting to three, I enter Bruce's study and close the door. Then, once again, I go for the direct approach.

"Hey Bruce!"

Bruce is sitting at his desk with his chin on steepled hands. His blue eyes are like ice as I come closer. I sit down in one of the leather chairs in front of the desk and cross my legs to keep them from jittering. "So, uh, you wanted to see me?"

Oh man, if looks could kill I want to be cremated not buried. Scatter my ashes on Megan Fox or Taylor Swift.

"Richard, what did you do last night?" Bruce asks, or I should say Batman asks. I hate these kinds of questions. It is oh-so-obvious that Batman knows exactly what happened; he just wants to see if I'll change parts of the story.

"Um... well, I won 4 gold medals at Regionals. I'm..."

"Richard..." Batman growls.

"And then I got some of the Team together and trailed a military convoy to set a prisoner free. Let me explain?" I fold my hands in my lap, keeping my eyes on Batman's stone cold face. His jaw tightens but he doesn't say anything, which in Bat-speak means: proceed.

"The prisoner, he's my cousin. But you probably know that. He's in trouble. He's running away from a terrorist organization. Yes, it's true he did work for it, but he doesn't anymore. He wants out and they're threatening him. Those guys that attacked the convoy—that we stopped from hurting people might I add—are part of that organization. If we hadn't been there, they would have taken Pietro back to Magneto and he'd be made an example of. Plus, the convoy was taking Pietro to a mutant facility. I don't think those places are quite kosher, Bruce. If he needs to be locked up, I want him in regular jail."

I stop, panting. I'd said all that in one breath.

Batman's gaze is still icy, but he takes his chin off his hands and sits up straight. "You gave him our identities."

A punch in the gut. "Yeah, I did. I... he wouldn't trust me otherwise. He's so scared Bruce. I... I brought him here, because I want to help him, and I need you to help me. I don't think I can handle this one on my own."

Batman remains quiet and icy and I just sit there. Most people freak out when someone's too quiet or looks too cold after you ask for something, but I know Batman a little too well for that. He's passing decision. He's not gonna show me anything until he knows what he wants to do.

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