Chapter Eight

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"You have a cousin? Since when? Dude, you been holding out!"

Wally follows me as I head back to the gymnasium. Throngs of people are leaving the building, some in team jackets, some in street clothes, some wearing press passes. Any one of them could be "Mindy White".

"Yeah, I have a cousin. From the Balkans. I hadn't seen him in years until he showed up a few days ago."

"When you skipped school," Wally says, walking beside me. "Is he in trouble?"

I nod. "He was running scared when he came to me. I don't know what's going on, but I think he needs somebody."

"Yeah and you're great at trying to be somebody for everybody." Wally shakes his head, but gives me a half-smile and ruffles my hair. "You're a glutton for punishment, Dickie."

I know. "Will you help me?"

"You know I will," Wally says. "Can't say no to those big eyes of yours. They make me feel all guilty and stuff. I'll follow your lead, D-bird."

I throw an arm around Wally's shoulders and give him a one-armed hug, before going back down into the stands to find Alfred, Jason and Tim.

Pretty much everyone's clearing out, but my brothers and Alfie are still in their seats waiting for me to come back dragging Wally by his ankles. I paste my Crest Kid smile on as people pass me and say things like, "Great job, Richard!"—"You were amazing!"—"Good luck at Nationals!"

Wally's smiling too, but his grin isn't pasted on. He means it. He's glowing for me and shaking hands. "He's gonna win all right," he says. "Team Grayson is number 1!"

I roll my eyes at him and make my way to my family. Tim notices me first, then Jason and Alfred. "Hey guys!"

"Ah, Master Richard, and you've found Master Wallace. I don't see any of those... delightful sweatshirts. You must have had some luck, Master Wallace." Alfred is rising from his seat. He's in a suit with a regular straight tie today. Jason and Tim stand up, too.

Wally stands behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders. "Alfred, I couldn't pass those shirts out fast enough. They're hot. I need to get more made."

Jason sneers and Alfred tuts. "Well, what do you all say we celebrate Master Dick's victory? Pizza and then some ice cream?"

Alfred offering to take us out for pizza is insane. He turns his nose up at fast food and he hates pizza joints. He holds his handkerchief over his nose and tries not to touch anything the entire time.

"Actually, Alfie, Wally and I are gonna meet some friends and go out," I say, looking sheepish. "Uh... rain check on the family party for when Bruce can join us?"

Alfred raises a brow. He never truly buys any of my acts, but he's always nice enough to play along when he can tell I really want something. "Ah... well, then, understandable. Teenagers certainly don't want an old man hanging around them while they socialize."

I want to correct him. He's not old, and I'll never not want him around—but today, I need him gone.

"I'll leave you boys to your devices. I assume you will be using public transport or obtaining a ride from someone?" Alfred studies me and I nod.

"Very well," he says. "I'm sure that you and Masters Wallace, Jason and Timothy shall have a wonderful time. I shall tell Master Bruce not to wait any plans for you."

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