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My mind is black and fuzzy as I walk back home. The snow is falling heavier and the thick flakes are sticking to my hair, I want to pull up my hood and hide from the world, but I have no will to even try.

"How can I? Even now you haven't realized you fought for me and saved me too Yuri."

I groan, what the hell does that even mean? I fought for him? Did I really make that big of an impact back then like he did on me? I thought I'd just been going with the flow, but maybe I did something better than I thought. Come to think of it, he always told me that he thought we were alike. Maybe he was just as alone as I was. I let out an exasperated breath. Well, unlike me, he's not alone anymore, he has someone to live for. But by the look in his eyes when he told me that he couldn't forget about what I'd apparently done for him, I honestly don't think Mila is enough to make him happy. But what is enough to make someone like him happy? I saw the way he looks at her, like he feels grateful, but when he looks at me; there's something else. Almost like a longing or desperation, like he's trying to reach out to me but he can't.

I look down at my hand, I guess him and I are alike; because that's exactly what I was trying to do too.

"Stop." I whisper. What I'm thinking right now isn't right, I don't deserve to acknowledge that Otabek may think so highly of me because he doesn't, he never will. I may be special to him in some way, but not in the way that Mila is to him. He's in love with her. He wants to marry her. He wants to start a family with her. They want to spend the rest of their lives together.

I feel my body start to quiver as a sudden emptiness overcomes me. W-Why does that thought make me feel so hollow inside?

"Hey? Hey wait up! I think you dropped something!" A voice calls frantically behind me suddenly.

I stop abruptly and turn around. It's a girl, she has silver hair and her eyes are a striking blue. I frown at her, she looks really familiar. She comes closer to me and shoves my ear buds in my face. "You dropped these." She says firmly.

I blink. "Uh, yeah, thanks." I take them from her slowly and slide them into my pocket.

We stand awkwardly for a while before I turn away, but she grabs my arm. "Um, wait, sorry, I'm um, I'm really lost. I haven't been to Moscow since I was young, and I'm trying to find my cousin's house but I can't seem to find the right address. I've tried asking other people but they just giving me really mean looks." She laughs timidly.

"Oh," I scratch my neck nervously. I'm not really used to having a conversation with someone other than my rink mates, Viktor and Yuuri, and my grandpa (and occassionally Piroshki, don't judge me). "What's the address?"

She frantically rummages through her blue jacket for a piece of paper, squinting down at it as she reads. I just noticed now that she has a lot of luggage with her, wonder where she's coming from. "Um, it's 241 Povarskaya Street, do you by any chance know where that is?"

I feel my eye twitch. You must be fucking kidding me. "Uh yeah, I actually do...Viktor Nikiforov lives there right?"

Her eyes widen. "Yeah, yeah, that's who I'm looking for! He's my cousin!" She says excitedly.

"Oh god," I sigh, I should have known, they're literally a spitting image of each other.

She frowns. "What? Did something happen to my Vicky, is he dead? Oh my god, Vicky is dead! What the hell am I gonna do, holy shit, I think I'm dying too! WHAT AM I GONNA DO OH MY GOD!" She screams.

"Hey, hey, chillax alright, no one is dead!" I laugh anxiously. This girl is insane!

She pants and clutches her chest. "Then what's wrong with him?"

Of Monsters and Men (yuri x otabek)Where stories live. Discover now