IIFTLR- Blood Curdling Screams

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Ello Everybody :)

Anyway this chapter is kind of special, I personally really like it. It clears up a lot about David and everything that is going on, it gets a new perspective on this whole situation in general :)

Also I was going to put a picture of David but it wasn't working so I'll just tell you who i picked to play him, I picked the one and only Colton Haynes :) If you pictured him as someone else then feel free to do that ;)

Comment you thoughts :)

Vote if you like :)

HappY ReadinG ;)

Chapter 22

David’s P.O.V (You guys are welcome ;) )

I let out a sigh once I heard the news that Nikki arrived safely outside the Davanzo gang house. I run my hand through my hair, an old habit that I always did when I was stressed or anxious. And right now, I am both.

The things I have done disgust me, I have murdered three people and tortured many more. I loathe the man I have become, the man my father is.

I stiffen immediately when I feel a hand on my shoulder. My father gives it a reassuring squeeze. “Good job son.” He simply says. I want to scoff at his comment, because in my eyes there is no good going on in at least a kilometre radius, but I have learnt to keep my comments to myself, if I didn’t want to get in a beating.

I nod my head stiffly. “Our plan is working son. In no time will they get their punishment for what they have done to me.” He says through gritted teeth and a clenched fist.

 My first instinct is to flinch at how angry he seems but I have also learnt to hide my feelings from him, showing my fear, my fear in him beating me black and blue again, over and over, is a sign of weakness in his eyes and weakness was always his target.

I feel bad for Nikki, I truly do but I can’t feel that way, I refuse to allow myself to feel more than necessary. I loved Nikki, I really did, ever since we were younger I liked her a lot, then I finally got the guts to ask her out and before I knew it we were dating.

Things were amazing between the two of us, until my father came back. The time when my life flipped upside down and I had to hurt the ones I loved.

I opened the door to my house to see a man standing in the kitchen. “David?” he called before advancing towards me to get a better look. I stepped back, afraid of whom this man may be.

“David, I am your father.” He simply stated. Those few words sent my heart into frenzy. My father who left me is back, the father I never grew to know and play with, is back here and standing in front of me.

Instantly I embraced him in a hug.

Soon after he told me about why he had to leave. It was because of my girlfriend’s father and Esme’s father. He told me to comply with his requests and going along with his plans of getting his revenge.

At first I was extremely hesitant about it. But then I remembered this man left and it was Nicole’s father and his co-worker’s fault. They were the reason that I grew up without my biological father, they were the reason I was stuck being brought up by my mother and her many husbands, she married then soon after divorced then repeated the cycle, over and over.

I heard his demands from me and I freaked. He wanted me to play Nicole, he wanted me to find out as much as I could about her father’s secret gang life. I had no idea that is what he did, I don’t think many people knew anyway.

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