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NO LEMON! >÷{   Plus Mettaton made your hair like the photo up top.

You were hanging out with Alphys and Mettaton. They were like family. They always made you feel wanted even though you were really... 'flat'. You never really hitted the 'thing' as much as other girls on the surface. Today you had Mettaton doing your hair... more like Mettaton begged you to allow him to do your hair. "Am I hurting you?" "Nope. I'm good." Alphys was looking at some anime videos as Mettaton curled your hair, "Ok! Close your eyes while I go get a mirror!" "Really Ton Ton?" "Yes!" Alphys snickered as you covered your eyes with your hands.

"Can I look now?" You asked, Mettaton giggled before removing your hands. Your eyes were wide for a second as you turned your head to look at your hair style better. "Mettaton... I love it!" You got off the cushion you had to sit on and spun around. Alphys got a camera and played "Sexy Bitch" on her phone. You tapped your foot and got lost in the beat. Mettaton laughed as you danced like a goof ball.

Yes, I can see ya.

Every girl here wants to be ya.

You spun around before making dance moves that matched the lyrics. Unknown to you, Alphys was recording this to send to Papyrus and Sans. Mettaton even started to dance as you rocked the lab. You even started to sing the lyrics. "She's nothing like you've seen before! I'm trying to find the words to describe this girl without being disrespectful!" You sung as you jumped around, you were really in your happy place. Your curly braid bounced as you danced like you would around these two. "DAMN GIRL!" You surprised the two as you did a back flip while landing with a split.

"Geez (y/n). Don't hurt yourself. I already had to fix Mettaton. I can't fix a human." Alphys cautioned before pausing the music and stopping the recording. "Aww shucks. You should have seen what I did on the surface." You replied while winking, picking yourself off the ground. Mettaton chuckled before you saw the time, it was almost six at night. "Oh shoot! I gotta go! Bye guys!" You called over your shoulder as you grabbed your bag and headed out the lab. You pulled out your phone and found your favorite song, you tapped the play button before placing your phone in your pocket.

You walked through the hot lands before stopping to look at the crystals. You sighed and kept walking, you still remembered how Sans almost went to the lab cause you were late for dinner. You soon reached the skelebros' home and stepped inside. Sans wasn't there to greet you, most likely at Grillby's strip club. "I'm home!" "AH! HELLO HU-!" Papyrus stared at your new look, he had a pink blush on his face. "Uhh... Pap? Everything ok?" You asked, tilting your head slightly. Papyrus snapped back into realitity and blinked a few times. "UH... YES! EVERYTHING IS FINE HUMAN!"

"Oh. Good!" You walked past Papyrus and got a Sprite from the fridge before going to sit on the couch. Your braid was still there as you turned on the TV, Papyrus walked over and sat next to you. You caught him staring at you, when you locked eyes, your blush was bigger than his by a mile. You looked away quickly. Your phone started to ring and you picked it up, Papyrus saw you jump when you answered it.

"Mettaton! Calm down! Where are you?" You said through the phone, you think he said 'My resort' but it was hard to tell since he was crying. "I'll be right there! Dont move!" You ordered before hanging up, "WHAT'S WRONG?" Papyrus asked, "Something with Mettaton. Don't worry, I'll be home quicker than Sans can drink a ketchup shot." You said before grabbing your jacket and boots, you raced out the door and into the snow. Oh god. You were hoping yor thoughts were wrong. Lately these 'fans' had raped Mettaton and you weren't very happy to hear that. You ran through the water falls and used the elevator to get to the resort.

You ran in and used your pass to get to Mettaton's dressing room. That's when someone grabbed you and locked your arm behind your back. "Oh look fellas... it's that flat girl... We had a feeling you would come, sweet heart." You growled and struggled to escape, "Where's Mettaton?!" You asked, whoever held your arm behind your back chuckled before increasing the pain. You refused to scream, you kept your furious face on. "Mettaton is completely fine, sweet thing. Unlike YOU." You had enough. "WHERE IS HE?!" You asked, furious at these people. "Feisty, isn't she guys?"

- hours later -

Mettaton found you on the ground, your arm was bent in a 'L' shape. You were shaking and feeling like crap. "(Y/n)!" Mettaton picked you up bridal style before carrying you to Alphys. "ALPHYS!" Alphys spun around and saw you loking like crap. "Put her on the table and call Sans and Papyrus." Alphys ordered, grabbing her medical equipment. "A...Al..." You wheezed, Alphys hushed you as she made you bite down on a rag. "This is going to hurt." Alphys twisted your arm back in formation, you dug your teeth into the cloth.

Next Alphys pulled a curtain to block anyone's view as she got some equipment out. "(Y/n). You're going to feel uncomfortable. I'm just going to check if you got raped, ok?" "O..ok Al..." Minutes passed before Papyrus and Sans ran into the lab. "WHERE IS (Y/N)?!" Papyrus asked before Sans could, Mettaton pointed to the curtain before he started to cry. "I should have known she was going to get hurt..." Sans made Mettaton sit down before Alphys came out. Alphys leaned against a table and took off her glasses. "She was raped."

Days passed as you were healing, you still kept your hair the way Mettaton made it. Papyrus walked over and sat next to you, he opened up his arms before you leaned into his side. "I'm sorry I wasn't there..." "Don't blame yourself Pap." You both looked at each other before you leaned closer. You both leaned so close you kissed, it was sweet and gentle. You both pulled away before you blushed at what just happened. Papyrus smiled and kissed your forehead before you both watched MTV.


Ooookay! That was the longest I've ever made... it also got rlly deep. Who cares? I liked it. Bye bye pplz!

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