GZtale Papyrus x Child! Reader 2

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You were in your early teens now, Alphys was able to make a pill simular to the Determination pill so you had magic. You could summon swords and block attacks, as well as, teleport and summon large amounts of light. Papyrus was proud when you proved yourself worthy of resembling the Royal Guard as the first human guardsmen. Today you were on patrol by yourself when you noticed a human. You had learned what humans did to the monsters, making you grow hatred towards your own kind. You smirked, showing a canine tooth that grew when you took your final pill, before teleporting.

You appeared near a tree as this human walked towards you. "Hello... 'human'..." The child looked up as you summoned your sword. "You should never have come here." The child started to shake in fear as your eyes and stripes (they r like Papyrus's) glowed (magic/c). You teleported before swiping your sword at them, they were already at five. You chuckled before raising your sword the the final blow. "GANZ!" You rose a curious eyebrow before your soul turned blue and you were thrown towards a tree, which your left side took the hit. "STAY. AWAY. FROM. FRISK."

You stood up to see a short skeleton in a very fluffy jacket and with lines on his skull. You squinted your eyes, studying the figure. 'If there is anything you must not do, it is to get near my brother. He is a traitor to our kind.' Papyrus's words slowly repeated in your head before your pupils became stilts. "You. Are you not Sans?" You asked as you stood up like a warrior. Ganz growled as Frisk hid behind him.

"Are you not the traitor to the monsters? Did you not hurt my father?!" You asked the last question with hatred and anger, Ganz looked at you a little confused of who you were talking about. Ganz summoned a Gaster blaster before you got your green block ready. As Ganz ordered the skull creature to fire, Frisk started to run away, you eye color became not the loving (e/c) glow in most battles, it was a deep orange of hatred. You blocked Ganz's attack with your green soul's ability before making a bright light shine. Ganz adverted his 'eyes' before seeing you were gone. You suddenly appeared and almost swiped his ribcage if one of his bones didn't hit you at your abdomen.

You were launched into the air before roughly hitting the suddenly hard snow. You saw droplets of blood falling from your forehead before reaching for a horn, it was shaped as a wolf head. You took the deepest breath you could manage before blowing into the horn. You passed out as Ganz slowly walked over.

- Papyrus's POV -

I was with the alpha when we both heard (y/n)'s horn. I gave the horn to (him/her) for emergencies only. The alpha looked at me before I took off running. I had allowed Alphys to take a very small amount of magic from my soul so I'd be able to track my adopted (son/daughter). I soon found my brother about to put a bone in (y/n)'s back as (he/she) laid motionless and bleeding. "GET AWAY FROM THEM!" I ordered before throwing a sharp bone at Sans. I didn't care if he was my brother and we shared the same bones, he was betrayed the underground and killed one of the deltas.

Seeing him about to kill my child was crossing the line. I leaped and landed in front of Sans, who looked confused and somewhat scared. I looked at (y/n) before I turned around and picked (him/her) up bridal style. "If I ever see you near (him/her) again, I will kill you." I growled before running towards the Waterfalls. I quickly reached my home and swung the front door open, I laid (y/n) down before I lifted their shirt, I saw a terrible bruise on the abdomen. I placed my hand the bruise and started to heal them. Soon, thanks to the training I have given (y/n), (he/she) reached 150/200 and opened their eyes.

- Author POV -

As you opened your eyes, you saw tears of joy and relief running down Papyrus's cheekbones. You sat up before you both gave each other a heart warming hug. Papyrus pulled away and placed his teeth on your forehead before kissing it. "Why were you battling Ganz?" "I was going to kill a human when he stopped me." Papyrus sighed before hugging you again. "As long as you're safe, that's all that matters." You smiled and hugged Papyrus back.

"I love you Dad..."

"I love you too (son/daughter)..."

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