Altertale Papyrus x General! Half Fox! Reader

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You were half fox monster and half human. You were accepted as the general of the monster army for your strength and quick thinking. You had Undyne lead the Royal Guard since you had 'other' matters to attend to. Today you were visiting Alphys so she could fix your armor again. You knocked on the iron door gently before the dinosaur like monster answered the door. "O..oh! General (y/n)! I..Is your armor broken again?" Alphys asked as she allowed you to walk in. You chuckled as you took off your armor, leaving you with some ripped up shorts and a tang-top.

"Yeah. I had to stop a roit." You explained before handing Alphys the worn out armor. "I'll have this fixed quickly!" Alphys said before rushing to get her tools. You followed her before sitting on the small bookshelf she always had. "Alphys, if I remember correctly, I have a (personality trait) human soul, yes?" You asked as your (fur/c) ears fell flat while your tail swayed sadly. "Last time I gave you a check up, yes, yes you do have a human soul. Why?" Alphys replied, you took a deep breath. "Do you think King Papyrus would be able to use it?"

Alphys nearly dropped the hammer she was using before he turned to you. "(Y/n)... Why would you ask that? You know he would NEVER use you like that." "I... don't know... I just want him happy..." A small blush creeped up on your face as your tail started to wag. Alphys noticed and smirked slightly. "Well... I think," Alphys pushed the nails she needed into the trashcan without you hearing or seeing, "I ran out of the nails. You should go see him and come back later." Your cheeks suddenly became right red.

"B-but I'm not i-in my proper un-uniform!" You squeaked as you hopped off the counter. Alphys shrugged as she worked on your helmet. You groaned before walking out of the lab. You had a feeling Alphys got rid of the nails so Papyrus could see you without your armor. You reached the castle and walked into the throne room. You kneeled down as Papyrus watered his flowers. "King Papyrus," Papyrus looked over and suddenly had an orange blush, he has never seen you without your armor, "I have a manner to disgust with you. If you may."

"You may." You rose and looked at Papyrus with a small blush on your face. "I have a human soul since I am half human, I was thinking that you may be... able to... use.." You said the last few words in an unsteady voice, not seeing Papyrus walking over. "T..the soul I h..have is (personality trait)... I..It might be enough to break the barri-!" Papyrus suddenly and gently held your cheeks in his hands and pulled you into a kiss. You were blushing more than you thought you could. Papyrus soon and slowly pulled away, as if to make sure he silenced you.

"I would never use your soul to break the barrier. You are much to special to me." Papyrus said in a lovingly voice, your blush started to lessen as Papyrus lowered his hands to your waist, pulling you closer. You placed your hands on his chest, still blushing. "I already lost Sans. I couldn't live with myself if I lost you. I love you." Just as he finished saying those words, he kissed you again. Your ears softly pinned to the back of your head as your tail swayed over the flowers.

Mettaton sneaked into scene as Burger Pants carried the camera. "AAAAND GENERAL (Y/N) WINS THE HEART OF OUR KING!" You both pulled away while yelping. You both turned with huge blushes as you both saw Burger Pants holding a camera. "SEE YOU NEXT TIME ON... HOT DATES!!" Mettaton picked Burger Pants and the camera up before rushing out of the throne room, you and Papyrus looked at each other as you both took in what Mettaton just said. "Well... after that just happened... would you do me the honor of being my... g..girlfriend, (y/n)?" You nodded before feeling something going around your neck (it's not a collar... -_-).

You looked to see it was a necklace with golden flower charms surrounding a (f/c) crystal in the center. "I was saving this for you i..if you said yes..." Papyrus explained, you smiled at his soft side before kissing his cheek. You both spent the rest of the day enjoying some spaghetti and tea.

Papyrus AU x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now