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I have made a batch of Elven waybread.


Yeah. I got the recipe from "The Happy Hobbit" (you need to check out that YouTube channel, and if you already HAVE, then, I am proud of you)

Sooooooo, I can't actually taste it, because I have a stuffy nose, and that makes it so I can't taste.....(does that happen to any of you guys?)

Yeah, so since I am unable to taste it, I have decided to not eat it until I get better......But, by the small chunk of it that I have eaten, I can taste a slight sweetness.........Mmm...😜

Now I just need to find some big leaves that I can wrap them in......

Now I know your thinking, "those don't look like lembas, they look like organic, homemade pancakes"

Well, my friend, I am here to inform you that they are most certainly not......For one thing, they are waaaaaaayyyyyy more filling than these "pancakes" you speak of. And they taste a lot different too.

Well, what are you waiting for? Go, shoo! Watch the video and make the recipe!

Alright, I'll stop now.

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