Chapter One

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Not So Bad After All
Book One
Chapter One

"Rose are you up? You better not be late for school! Again..." I heard my mother shout from downstairs.

"Right here," I announced as I landed on the last step of the stairs and rushed into the kitchen where I saw my mom drinking her morning coffee and leaning up against the island.

"Need a ride?" She asked as she routinely tossed me an apple.

"No thanks. I'll catch the bus and I might go to Sky's house after school," I assured her. "Where's dad?"

"Already at work."

I tossed my bag over my shoulder, "Oh, okay. By ma," I kissed her cheek. "Love you."

"Love you too, and don't miss that bus!" She yelled to me before I left the house.

I missed the bus a lot for some reason. I think the bus driver just doesn't like me. You spill a mango smoothie on a guy one time and they'll hate you forever!

The bus stopped in front of me and as the door opened our chubby, ball-headed bus driver immediately began to mean mug me.

"Ya know, if your face stays like that for a long period of time, it'll get stuck," I told him as I got on the bus. "It probably already is..."

He didn't crack a smile or anything. As I said, it's probably already stuck...


"Morning," I greeted my mom as I came downstairs.

"Morning," she smiled a little as she sipped whatever was in her cup, no doubt some kind of alcohol. "Sit."

"Actually, I gotta catch-"

"Sit down, Jayden," she said again, this time more sternly.

I reluctantly sat down at the table in the kitchen across from my father who had a newspaper covering his face, like always.

"There you go. A nice bowl of oatmeal for my boys," Mom said and placed three bowls on the table. One for me, one for my father, and then one for herself.

"Anything good in the paper today?" I asked my father, trying to spark some kind of conversation.

"Eh, the usual..." He flipped the page.

That was pretty much it for conversation when it came to him.

"Why don't you put the paper down and have breakfast with your family?" Mom asked him.

"Shut up and eat your food," was his response.

My mom's small smile fell into a deep frown, but she did as she was told. She didn't even touch her oatmeal after that. She just sat back in her chair and sipped her drink, which was no doubt some kind of alcohol.

I got used to seeing her drink this early in the morning. She doesn't work and doesn't have any friends. Just how my father likes it. So she just drinks her life away...

I scarfed down my food and put my bowl in the sink. I grabbed my bag and headed for the door.

This is why I avoid them, I thought to myself.

"Do you need a ride, honey?" Mom asked.

"No. I'll catch the bus. Thanks."

"Okay. Have a good day."

"You to mom," if it's possible.

I was running a little behind today. By the time I got to the bus stop, the bus was already there and getting ready to leave. I ran to it so it wouldn't take off without me.

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