🌹Chapter Forty-Four🌻

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I woke up feeling the stiffest I've ever felt. I almost felt like I couldn't move so I didn't for a moment. Eventually, I managed to roll over but I noticed a familiar weight on me.

What's Jayden doing here? I asked myself, confused.

I rolled over to face him and smiled at his sleeping face. He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. Not an ounce of worry or stress on his face. Those plump yummy lips of his were slightly parted and always looked so inviting.

I know lately I've been acting strange... I don't mean to, I just don't... I don't know... I'm dealing... but I know that I need to deal better.

I kissed his cheek and got out of bed. I went straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth and pee. When I went back into my room I figured I'd pick some clothes out before I get into the shower. It's just easier for me to get ready before Jayden because I take longer than he does. He's so effortlessly attractive...

Passing my desk on my way to my closet, I noticed a bunch of stuff on it. A bunch of papers I don't remember leaving there. I looked through it all and seen that it was homework.

My first thought was that Jayden forgot to hand his homework in yesterday which he does forget to do every once in a while.

Then I checked the date and was instantly confused.

"Wait what?" I asked myself.

I heard light knocks on the door before it opened. My mom's smiling face appeared in my doorway.

"You're awake" she hugged me. "How are you feeling?" She asked asked.

"I'm okay, ma. I'm a little confused though. What's today?" I held up Jayden's homework and pointed to the date at the top of the paper.

Mom looked at the papers and then at me. "The date on that is right, sweetie. 3/21/2014"

"How? If today is 3/21/14? I'm confused", I rubbed my forehead.

"Yes you are", she chuckled at me. "It's not the 21st it's the 22nd today".

"So we're just skipping days now?" I teased. "I'm okay with that".

"Sweetie you slept for an entire day on Friday. I let you stay home from school because you didn't look too well. You were very exhausted. When you finally fell asleep you didn't wake up at all on Friday. Jayden stayed here with you and asked Sky to bring your homework home. So unfortunately we can't skip days. If we could this baby would be here already", mom explained.

I slept a whole freaking day?

"I slept a whole freaking day?", I asked voicing my thoughts.

"Yes, you were very tired... and you are not yourself when your exhaustedlike that" She rubbed my back. "I'm glad you did get some rest though. I was afraid that something was really wrong with you. Everyone was worried. You to take better care of yourself"

I definitely felt bad for making everyone worry about me. That wasn't my intention at all...

"I'm sorry" I hugged her from the side since her belly was in the way.

"You should definitely talk to Jayden. Let him know if your okay or not. He hasn't left that room. We're really grateful for him Rose. You should be too" she kissed my forehead. "I'll go tell your father your awake and okay. He's driving me nuts..." she left the room.

That really made me think... I couldn't help the way I was feeling. Thats the thing about feelings... They're completely uncomfortable sometimes.

I really didn't want to come off selfish and inconsiderate of anyone but... I don't know... I guess I shouldn't make excuses for myself.

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