Chapter Twenty Seven

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Not So Bad After All
Book One
Chapter Twenty Seven
Jayden's Pov


"Hey bro, happy birthday," Brandon said as he approached me.

I closed my locker, "Thanks."

"What's up? You should be hype right now."

I nodded, "I am, I am. Just tired that's all. Coach has been on my ass all week."

"Your the quarterback. He's gonna push you harder than the rest of us."

"Some of the guys are slacking and I have to carry their weight. I need the guys to understand that some of us take this seriously. It's more than just a fucking game. I can't keep carrying half the team," I admitted.

"I feel you bro. It's the same four guys who are always late. Coach chewed them a new one yesterday after you left."

"Good. He better get to them before I do," I rubbed my facial hair, feeling mentally exhausted today.

I usually shaved but Rose said she likes the stubble so I decided to keep it. Plus, I like how it makes me look.

"Look, we haven't lost a game yet this year. Thanks to you. Just keep that in mind."

I nodded, "Thanks."

"No problem man. Hey, I meant to ask you, have you seen or hard anything from Ryan?"

"Nope, it's been weeks." Not that I've been looking out for him. He could be anywhere right now. I did try to call him a few times but he won't answer his phone. So I left him alone. "Why?" I asked.

"Just haven't heard from him or seen him. Sara either and he won't call me back..."

"They're together?"

"I don't know. I just know that they both stopped coming to school at the same time."

I hadn't thought about that before. I remember Ryan telling me that he was messing around with her but I didn't think they'd run off together.

I wonder if Rose knows about this... I pondered.

"I'll try calling him again, but we gotta get to class now," I told him.

"Let me know if you hear from him," Brandon told me as we began our trek to class on the third floor.

All day people were telling me happy birthday and females were throwing themselves at me. I was used to the attention but I wasn't in the mood for it today.

"Jayden," a female called to me.

I turned around and saw a familiar face. A Burnett I used to mess around with. I don't remember her name.

"Hey," I greeted.

"Happy birthday," She smiled flirtatiously.

"Thank you."

"I was thinking maybe I can come over tonight and we can do what we did last time," She offered.

"Thanks, but I'm gonna have to pass sweetheart."

She looked offended, "Oh, okay... See you later, then."

She's a pretty girl and has nice boobs. I see why I had sex with her, but honestly, I can't understand why that's not enough for me anymore.

She went to her seat and a couple of guys that I'm cool with stared at me like I was crazy.

"What?" I asked confused.

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