Chapter 7- Meeting Another Friend

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It was already morning the next day. Jungkook and namjoon fell asleep an hour after they woke up the last day, because it was already late and they were tired from all the escaping thing.

Again jungkook woke up first, and checked taehyung again.
Last night before he fell asleep, he checked if there was any aloe vera plants around the place they were stuck in, so he could take care of his and his friend's bruises.

He saw that their bruises are getting better so he smiled to himself proudly. He was so deep in his thoughts he didn't even notice that he is staring at taehyung and admiring his beautiful face, when all of the sudden, he heard taehyung's voice

"What are you staring at?" He said, still sleepy.

"Oh my cookies with milk you're awake!" jungkook said excitedly with a huge smile on his face.

"Yes I am. Why, did I worry you? How much time did I sleep? Why your eyes are so red and puffy?" Taehyung asked worried.

"You have a lot of questions Mister, do you know that?" jungkook said and giggled, while taehyung gave him an apologizing look.

"Well yes hyung, you did worry me because yesterday you didn't wake up so I thought something happened to you, you slept since yesterday's incident, and my eyes are red and puffy because I cried out of worry to you. I was worried sick. Did I answer all your questions?"

"Kookie I'm so sorry I worried you so much and made you cry, I didn't mean to... Please forgive me kookie I'm really sorry"
Taehyung said and had tears forming in his eyes, but was confused when he heard giggles.

"Tae why are you crying? You don't have to apologize, it's not your fault at all. It's my rule to worry for you as your boyfriend, so please don't cry because of these things, okay?"

He caressed his cheek and leaned closer to kiss him a sweet, caring and loving kiss. Their lips moved in sync, until they heard someone clearing their throat.

When they turned their heads they saw all six of  them fully awake and staring at them,

"Guys we already told you, please get a room. And taehyung, jungkook is right, you don't need to cry, it's his rule to love, protect and worry about you" namjoon said.

"When and how did you guys wake up? We didn't even heard anything..." They both said together, and laughed.

"Well, we woke up a few minutes ago from your talking, and about the hearing thing, probably because when you two are together it's like you're in your own world or something like that"

said jin and smiled at how adorable they was when they blushed at his last sentence.

"Oh... We are sorry we woke you up.. We didn't meant to.." jungkook apologized with his head down.

"Nah it's fine, a least we got to see  how cute you are together, right guys?" jimin said and smiled his famous eye smile.

"By the way, my name is jimin and I'm taehyung's best friend. Nice to meet you all!"

"Well I guess yesterday we didn't introduce ourselves properly so I'm namjoon nice to meet you"

"Yo wassap I'm yoongi, but you can call me suga because I'm really pail and have a sweet smile, at least that's what they say"

"Hello I'm hoseok but you can call me jhope! I'm your hope! I'm your angel! Nice to meet you!"

"Hi I'm jin. I'm the mom in that group of dorks. Nice to meet you jimin and welcome to our family!"

"Hello jimim, as you already know, I'm jungkook, taehyung's boyfriend. Nice to meet you"

"Well you know me since we are childhood friends so I don't need to introduce myself right?"taehyung said and laughed.

"Hello jimin. I'm not really one of their group, I just helped them escape, but anyways, I'm Tae-oh nice to meet you". He said with a smile.

They decided that once they will find a way to get out of there, they will stay at jimin's place until they will find a solution to their problem.
Since his house is pretty big, there will be place to everyone.

They actually really wanted to get to know each other better, so that'll be a good idea to live together and hang out together.

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