Chapter 18- The Plan 2

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Four days later

"Guys did someone talk with tae-oh since the last time? We need to know how to get out of here and although he'll think about the plan, we need to know about it too so that we'll know what to do"

namjoon said when they sat on the bench outside. Everybody kept silent.

"Anybody?" Still silence.

"Am I the only one who thinks about it? Guys we'll escape together! Not everyone by himself!"

He tried not to yell too loud. All of them lowered their heads and played with their fingers, except for jin.

"Now tell me young Mister, why do we have to do it when you are the 'leader' out of the seven of us?" Jin scolded him.

"Okay if you're not going to do it then I'll talk to him! Goodbye for now and in the meantime think about a plan to get out of here, just in case he forgot" namjoon said and left.

"Someone here is angry..." Taehyung said, holding back his laugh.

"What should we do now? To be honest, my brain is blank right now so I can't think about anything" hopie said.

"Your brain is always blank. It's not something new" yoongi said sleepily.

"Ouch! You hurt my feelings..." The now 'crying' boy said.

"Kids fight later, if you have nothing to do you can copy yoongi and sleep, because I can't think about anything either" jin said.

A few minutes later, namjoon came back and immediately all of them ran to him with curious faces.

"How did it go?"

"What did he say?"

"What's the plan?"

"Did he forget?"

"What should we do?"

"When will we finally get out of here?"

They asked him and he just looked at them, shocked at the perfect melody they did with their questions.

"Did you practice this before or what?" He said and held back his laughter.

"Practice what? Just answer our questions already! We're curious!" Jungkook whined.

"Yeah! Answer our questions!" All the five of then said in unison and chuckled at it.

"Okay okay, listen up. About how we are going to get out of here, he said that he talked with a big Japanese Mafia he knows and said that they'll send someone to rescue us. He said that they are one of the scariest and professional people he knows so we don't need to worry about anything. According to Tae-oh all we have to do is to cause a big fight and then all we have to do is to wait. They'll take us to this place where they'll wait for us with a black van, and then we'll drive to japan's border. From there we will fly straight to their second private house in LA with the help of fake  ID'S. There will be that guy called Tony and he'll show us our rooms"

Namjoon explained as clear as he could. They looked at him with open mouth.

"You talked about all these things in only six minutes?" Jin asked, still with his mouth wide open.

"Uh.. Yeah. Why?"


"So when will all of these things happen?"

Taehyung asked to break the awkward moment they had a few seconds.

"On Friday night, so we need to be ready and at the moment they'll come, we'll have to be as fast as possible and get out of here"

namjoon replied, right before the guards came to tell them that they need to cone back to their cells.

Little did they know what happened at that night.


"Do you think it'll work?"

Jungkook asked the older when they cuddled on his bed and talked about random things.

"To be honest with you, I don't think so, but I really hope we won't get caught because I don't want to even imagine what our punishment will be for trying to escape twice"

"Yeah me too, just the thought of it freaks me out"

----------------------------------------------------------- This chapter is shit... I'm sorry

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