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Your P.O.V.

Darkness... only darkness, that was the first thing I saw.

Nothing more...

Nothing less...

That darkness started to fade slowly... very slowly.

With a blurry vision, finally I saw a source of light, the soft singing of birds, and the sound of rushing wind on the trees. This was so peaceful, I didn't feel anything, no more pain, no more depression. –Finally I'm dead- I happily thought. My vision fully returned, the source of light was a big hole on the ceiling, with the dancing shadows of leaves. –How peaceful...- I started to get up slowly, not moving my gaze from the hole. Then it hitted me... an extremely painful sensation, I reflexively screamed out in pain. Tears came along, I touched the place of the pain, not wanting to see. "w-what's this? W-why a-am I s-still alive?" I rested my hand on my side, and feel... warm liquid. I turned slowly, -is that blood?!- "why it doesn't surprise me" I used the wall for support while attempting to stand. Weakly I stood and started walking through the cave. I stopped on my tracks, at the edge of were light and darkness collide –where am I going? I there's nowhere I can go- a tear escaped from my eyes, making its way to the ground. –Why did I had to came to Mt. Ebott... Why didn't I run as far as possible? WHY I had to come to this abandoned place-

I heard a faint sob at the distance. –Is there someone else in here? I need to find them!- I started limping fast at the source of the sound. The cry got louder and louder, -I'm almost there- I continued limping to every direction the sound came, the difficult thing is that I'm in some kind of maze...I feel to my knees from tiredness. –maybe is just my imagination- the cry continued –yeah... who would be down here anyways- it continued, non-stopping sound, full of agony and grief. -No! I NEED to find them, it doesn't matter how bad my condition is right now. They need my help- I stood as quick as my strength let me, I almost collapsed again from the sudden move. I caught myself using the wall. Again limping, I resumed my search, whoever needs my help, I will give it to them.

I finally got to a door, leading to a green meadow full of golden flowers. The cry was very loud now. "D-don't worry! I'm almost there!" I said while limping faster. My legs gave up and I stumbled on the flowers. "wait... I'm... almost... there" I used one of my arms to drag myself to the center of the room, while the other was on my side wound.

"w-who's there" said a small trembling voice.

"I'm here to help you... I mean no harm. Really" I said using all my strength to stand again. "W-where are you?"

"Please! Go away!" they said, with a cracking voice, full of fear and sadness.

"I just want to help" I said, I started looking everywhere, and found a lonely flower on the center of the rest. I neared it, and it was moving, leaves where on top of it, acting like a shield.

"I said go away!" the flower screamed. –What?! A talking flower?!- they look like they needed help. Their petals looked burned and they were missing two, their leaves looked like the petals, burned and hurt.

"I really want to help you; I mean no harm, really" I said smiling at the flower. I keep my distance, and extended my hand. "Hi, I'm (Y/N), what's your name?"

The flower peeked from between the leaves. "F-Flowey... Fl-lowey the flower" he said while moving his leaves away from his face. "Your n-not going t-to hurt m-me, r-right?" he asked scared, with occasional sobs.

"I'm not, I'm as beaten as you. So..." I chuckled and he took my hand with vines that came out of the earth.

"You shouldn't be here" he said concerned.

See you from my eyes (UF! Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now