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Your P.O.V.

The tall skeleton kept dragging me, but he stopped when the small yelled at him "I said leave her alone, boss!" the tall one spun wildly, pulling from my arm so harshly making me fall on the snow and hit my head with a rock.

"THIS ISN'T YOUR BUSINESS SANS, F*CK OFF!" he yelled at the small one, who I think his name is Sans. Sans turned his gaze to me and then to his "boss". Boss? Looked at me, and jerked me up from my arm and pulling it up so I was at his face level. He leaved me like that, but the cuts Magnus made, started to open, and the smell of iron getting stronger. He looked at me with hate, and something else... I didn't quite catch what it was. Sans started walking towards us, and his boss summoned a sharp bone holding it to my arm, looking at Sans in a challenging manner. Sans didn't stop, and that made his boss angry. He stabbed me in my arm with the bone, I released a pained scream, and tears flooded down my face. I struggled, Flowey was shocked, he didn't know what to do by the looks of it. Sans stopped and made one of those skulls aiming at us.

"let. her. go" Sans said while his white pinpricks disappeared.

"YOU WOULDN'T DARE, BESIDE I HAVE HER WITH ME, IF YOU SHOOT, YOU HURT HER ALSO" his boss said, taking me closer to him in a death grip. I tried to kick him but I didn't muster the courage to do such an awful thing.

"Let me go! Please!" I said while struggling and wiggling. Sans made his skull blaster shot at his boss' feet. But he dodged. He landed on one knee, but refused to let me go. I looked to were Sans was, and he had his hand up towards my direction, surrounded in a red mist. Something snapped me away from his boss and I landed on my knees in front of Sans. I looked up to him with my vision blurry with tears, he stared at me and then he turned to his boss. He was nearing but didn't have a one with him. Sans threw some bones at him, but he used a bone like a shield.

"WHAT ABOUT WE MAKE THIS MORE INTERESTING? I'LL LET YOU GO IF YOU DEFEAT ME ON A BATTLE" he said grabbing me from the neck of my shirt "BUT... IF YOU LOSE, YOU'LL STAY HERE, IN MY SHACK. AND YOU'LL HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING I SAID. CAPICHE?" I nodded, and he released me. He runned to the opposite direction, and turned to me with a bone on hand. I felt something warm on my chest and looked down at it, a green heart was visible.

"hey, weed, you better stay away from there" Sans said while taking Flowey from my shoulder with his magic. He held him beside him and looked at us. –No! wait! Why did I even agreed? I don't know how to fight! Beside I don't want to hurt him... what I got myself into?- Sans seemed to know what I was thinking and he only shrugged at me. –ugh! I need help!- Papyrus started to threw bones at me when I didn't look, I got several of them on my legs, making me collapse. –what do I do?!- I thought and thought and the only thing that came in my mind was talking to him. It worked with Toriel.

"H-hello! We haven't fully introduced! I'm (Y/N)! what's yours?" 'boss' was taken aback at this but he didn't reply, he threw bones at me instead. I was still on the ground but I rolled to the sides, receiving only one bone on my side, just were Doggo had ripped my shirt. I clutched to my side tightly and closed my eyes to bear with the pain. I felt dizzy, extremely dizzy, like when I cut myself too much, or others do. I heard heavy footsteps against the soft snow, I didn't have to open my eyes to know who it was. The footsteps stopped in front of me, and a heavy weight landed harshly on my side, making me yelp in pain.

"PAPYRUS" someone said. Just as the sentence was finished I felt the weight lift and kicked me on my stomach. I gasped for air, since the kick pushed all the air out of me. "YOU'VE LOST, HUMAN... NOW, YOU'LL BE MY NEW SLAVE" I opened my eyes and saw the tall skeleton looking at me. -So his name is Papyrus? ... okay- I forced a smile and looked up to him.

"That's... a nice... name" I barely made out. He had a confused expression, but then he shoved me on his shoulder, I started to feel limp, but struggled to keep my eyes opened. The smell of iron was pretty strong now, and I saw the small droplets of blood splatter on the snow, turning it slightly reddish-pinkish. I tried to lift my head, and a painful and yet drowsy sensation filed my head. My ears started to ring and I could see Flowey trying to break free from Sans' grip, Sans tried to calm him down... or maybe he was just threating him. Since I couldn't hear, I think he was threatening him. Black dots started to fill my vision, along with blur. And then I finally blacked out.

Flowey's P.O.V.

It was sickening, the way Papyrus hurted her in such a merciless manner. But yet she effused to fight back, I know she told me, that no matter what, she wouldn't kill anybody. But if needed she will fight back. This was a situation where she needed to fight, but again, she refused. Papyrus shoved her over his shoulder, (Y/N) raised her head to look at us. She seemed pretty tired, and that made me angry with these skeletons. "Hey!! Let me go!! I need to hell her you bonehead!!" I yelled at Sans who still got me by the stem. He looked at my eyes, and agreement flooded by his eyes for a second, before returning to his "I don't give a f*ck about that" look.

"stop it weed, i'll, but not now" he said nearing me to his face. "just wait, i don't know what my brother has planned for her, but you have to wait." He moved his gaze forward, and I did as well. (Y/N) was now unconscious, and I saw her bright blood dripping from her body down to the snow. –as much as I hate to do this, he is right­- I let out a huff and dealed with it.

Sans walked with me on his grip to a wooden shack, he placed my roots inside a thick bag and closed it tightly around my stem. "For what is this?" asked irritated. Papyrus only chucked and I looked to the surrounding's. The shack looked like a small dentist's workplace. A metal table on the center of the room, and a few cabinets on the side of the room. This all separated with a wall of metal bars, and a simple metal door. To the other side of the room was another wall of metal bars, but full of wooden crates on the other side. Papyrus opened the metal door and stepped through the room to the other bar wall. He threw (Y/N) to the floor making an awful thud. Blood spilled from her arms, legs and her side.

"CHAIN HER, SANS" Papyrus demanded. Sans just nodded, and his brother left. How do I know they are brothers? Well... let's say I go out sometimes, but I stay at the ruins for obvious reasons. Sans put me in a pot and leaved me on top of one of the crates. He neared (Y/N) and chained her leg to the floor, he stood and went to the cabinets, looking around for stuff. He then came with some badges, cotton, alcohol and a syringe full of a red liquid. He took (Y/N)'s shirt off and cleaned her wounds with the cotton and alcohol. –What is he doing??-

"What are you doing?? Why did you take her shirt off?" I asked, but it sounded rather desperate.

"i'm just returning a favor, so shut up weed" he said, in an angered tone.

-wait? Favor? Did he...- "Did you saw her treating your wounds?"

"nope" he said and started bandaging her wounds. Then he injected the strange liquid in her arm. 

"Then how do you know it was her?"

"i was unconscious and then i woke up just when you were leaving, beside you say (y/i) and her name several times. and this" he pulled his shirt up revealing the piece of cloth around his sternum "is the exact same color as her shirt, and look, it is also ripped from the bottom. who else have been?" he said with a small hint of annoyance and happiness. –happiness?- he finished and started leaving. But he stopped right beside me, on the other side of the cage. "don't tell this to anybody, or i'll rip your stem along with your petals, one by one" he said and leaved. I looked over to (Y/N) who was sleeping peacefully. –wish I could be stronger to help her- I sadly thought. And sleeped as well.

See you from my eyes (UF! Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now