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Your P.O.V.

The rest of the week, Papyrus had been forcing me to slash things with my new claws, his intentions were for me to give him more effects of that stupid serum he injected. He hasn't even noticed a new change! I did! Now I have a snake-like tongue! What's up with Papyrus and this shitty experiment? This is stupid... slash...slash... more slashes... and cuts. Doesn't he even grew tired of this already? His experiment is pointless. And, for my bother, the voices now came almost fully audible, ugh! how I hate them! I want them to leave me alone! Do I? Ha ha ha...

Okay, enough of the past, right now we are outside, on the cold snow, just in the middle of the woods outside of Snowdin. I tried to escape once we stepped outside, but Papyrus had put a leash on me, and besides, my collar has been infused with a magic spell. I hate this. 

"NOW... HUMAN, CUT THOSE DUMMIES!" Papyrus ordered for the hundredth time already. I sat on the snow and didn't move. "STOP BEING SO STUBBORN!" he exclaimed. 

I glared at him "But didn't you liked me this way?" I asked teasingly. Sans couldn't help but laugh, I turned around and laid on the snow, looking at the white ceiling of this cave. "Besides...You haven't even noticed the change...Why do we keep doing this?" I said, hissing with my tongue. They didn't respond, their silence amused me, so I started giggling insanely again. "Why so suddenly quiet? I thought you liked to scream to everyone" I said again, and my giggles turned into insane laughs. 

C u t  t h e i r  t h r o a t s . . . C u t  t h e m  i n t o  s m a l l  p i e c e s . . . 

"Alright, I'll cut all their throats" I said and stood up, I skipped towards the dummies and slashed their fluffy bodies in small pieces effortlessly. I giggled again and skipped towards them "Done!" I chirped. Papyrus was smiling devilishly, and Sans... just stared at the dummies. "Hey Sansy~" I cooed. 

He turned his gaze to me with a confused expression "yeah?" he asked. 

"Don't you like the sight?" I asked smiling devilishly, just like Papyrus. 

Sans started sweating, he looked to the dummies and then to me. "y-yeah... why w-wouldn't i?" he stuttered. I grinned and skipped towards a nearby snow poff, I sat and started playing with my claws in the snow. 

G o o d  j o b . . .

"Thank you!" I chirped and giggled again. 

"OKAY HUMAN, YOU'RE INSANE. BUT I DON'T HAVE TIME TO DEAL WITH THIS. LET'S GO BACK TO YOUR CELL" Papyrus said while walking towards me with the leash. He attached it to me and cuffed my hands on my back, he doesn't trust me since the time I tried to cut his 'battle body'. I whined and started walking with him. 

sans' p.o.v.

now she is worrying me, last time she talked in a weird, but yet familian language. and she didn't even remembered saying anything like that, she also tried to slash my brother, and saying nonsense. now she said 'thank you' out of nowhere, what are we doing with her? i have to stop this, now i don't care what happen between me and my bro, this has gone too far. 

(y/n) is now skipping and barking like a dog, looking around, she doesn't even have a care in the world. how a weird girl she is. she turned around so wildly making paps almost fall, she glanced at me with pleading eyes -okay now this is even more strange- "uh... pet?" that's all i could make out. i turned my gaze to her back and saw mk. her yellow eyes flicked (e/c) for a second, she hissed and turned around almost slashing mk. 

"Hey! dude! what was that?" mk asked angered. 

"Don't get on my way" (y/n) said darkly licking her teeth.

See you from my eyes (UF! Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now