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Your P.O.V.

I opened my eyes slowly, in such a lazy and sleepy way. I shifted a bit, and felt something soft resting on my shoulder. My gaze moved towards the source, the only thing visible was one yellow petal. –oh Flowey- I sighed happy. I moved him carefully resting his head in top of my backpack. I stood and walked to the entrance of our small shelter, and peeked. The storm had passed, leaving a new thick layer of snow over the forest. Using my hands, I moved the snow away from the entrance, making a bigger passage. "(Y/I)?" I turned around and found a half way asleep Flowey rubbing his eyes.

"Morning buttery!" I said giggling. Flowey looked taken aback, but then gave a hearty chuckle.

"Ya know, your jokes are awful. But somehow they make me smile" Flowey said cracking a small smile. I returned the smile and grabbed all my stuff, and Flowey crawled on my shoulder. I petted his petals.

"Ready?" he nodded and said "yes" a little too excited. I giggled and went out, walking down the path back to the bridge.

We reached the bridge, and looked around, just in case. Nothing... I continued through the cliff and looked a shadow ahead growing near. I'm not in the mood right now to deal with more beating up of some mean monster. I hid behind a rock pile besides the sentry station, and waited. –Why? Why here? They're probably going to this station! They'll see me, and I'll have to fight... again. Hope they doesn't see me- I peeked form the side and saw a small skeleton, welp, he looked to be a bit taller than me. He had a huge smile, like HUGE, filled with sharp teeth and a single gold one. He wore a black jacket, a red shirt, black basketball shorts, red shoes, and what appears to be a... spiked collar? He looked tired, he kept walking and stopped just in front of the rock I was hiding. He looked around, before he landed his eyes on the rocks I hid back, and waited. I heard a heavy sigh, followed with a *thud* I peeked again. The skeleton was lying on the snow, like if he didn't have a care in the world. He looked peaceful, and closed his eyes slowly. His peace didn't last long when a loud menacing voice shouted "WHAT THE F*CK SANS! WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING!?!?! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAD TOLD YOU TO NOT SLEEP ON WORK?!?!" a tall skeleton came angry, like really tall and angry. The small skeleton didn't respond, he just opened one eye lazily. He taller one didn't look pleased at all. He grabbed the small one by the chain attached to his spiked collar, lifting him up for him to look into his eyes. The small one struggled, and sounded like he was choking. "YOU LAZY A*S, GET BACK TO WORK RIGHT NOW, OR ELSE" the taller one threated, then he snapped and a sharp bone appeared on his hand, he used it to cut the side of the small one, just where the rib cage was. Then the taller one released him, he fell to his knees looking to the ground. The small one huffed and panted, holding his side.

"what do you think i was doing, you b*tch?" the small one snap. Standing, evident anger in his tone.

"DON'T YOU DARE TO TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!!" the taller one shouted.

"and what if i don't?" the small one said, pretty calm and confident.

"OKAY, YOU'LL SEE NOW!!" once the tall one finished his sentence, they both entered a fight. I faced Flowey with pleading eyes. He just shook his head to the sides with fear in his eyes. I started to stand, but Flowey wrapped vines around me, attaching me to ground. I struggled, but I couldn't escape from his grip. I struggled until I could see the skeletons clearly. The taller threw a fist full of sharp bones, witch the small one dodged perfectly. The small one made a dragon like skull to appear, making it fire towards the other skeleton. The taller one dodged and sent more sharp bones at the other.

They continued throwing bones at each other and kept dodging the other's attack. Until the small one looked incredibly tired, he didn't dodge the last attack, he just made a barrier of bones to block the attack. But the barrier broke, and he got hit one time on his chest. He took some steps back before stumbling leaving a small trail of blood on the snow. "I HOPE YOU, DIE. KNOW I'LL LEAVE YOU TO SUFFER IN SILENCE" and with that the taller one left. Flowey loosed his grip around me, I used that opportunity to free myself.

"(Y/N)!! wait!" Flowey yelled at me. I runned towards the injured skeleton, and checked him. He had passed out and was losing blood quickly. I tried to carry him, but my arms hurted horribly. I dragged him instead, away from the path towards the cave we hid. "(Y/N)! what do you think you're doing?!?" Flowey said shocked.

I huffed and said "Taking him somewhere safe to treat his wound, Flowey. I can't leave him like that!" I looked to behind me, and the cave was now into full view. I made and extra effort to drag him, quickening my pace. I was getting pretty tired, and my limbs hurted an ached, screaming in pain. I stopped at the entrance of the cave, and went inside first dragging the skeleton with me. I made him lie on his back, and took his jacket off, along with the bone stuck on his chest. And hesitated for a moment "I don't think this is right..." I mumbled.

"No it isn't! just leave him now before he wakes up!!" Flowey said scared.

"No! is not that... I don't think is right to take his shirt off, without him having knowledge of it..." –oh god! Just do it! He is dying! – "Ugh! Alright! I hope he doesn't wake up while I'm doing so" I hesitated but did it anyways, I tried my best not to blush for this... but... welp, I failed. His wound was pretty deep, and was bleeding badly. –How do skeletons even bleed? Oh... wait, they have marrow...- "Flowey, please give me some vines" I said calmly and shyly.

"What? Are going to help him? He's going to kill you!! Come on let's go!!" I made puppy eyes to him.

"Please, this is the only time I'll do this! Pleeeaaase??" I whined to him.

He sighed "Alright, (Y/N). Just this time" then he made vines, cut them and gave them to me. I cut them I half again and spread the fluid dripping from them on his wound. The bleeding stopped a bit, but enough to prevent bad blood loss. I ripped the hem of my shirt and used it like a bandage, since only the sternum was damaged. I wrapped it carefully and a little tight. I put his shirt back again, and leaned him on the wall, covering him with his jacket as a blanket. "Okay, now you have saved him. Let's go! Before he wakes up and tries to kill you!" Flowey said while jerking to the side.

"Calm down Flowey, I haven't finished" Flowey gave me a wierd look.

"What do you mean?" he asked. I giggled.

"He looks like he needs food, right? I'll just leave some for him"

"WHAT! NO!! you only have for five days! And who know how much time will have to walk!!" I petted his petals.

"Don't worry. I found some lost coins at the snow, we can buy something later" he sighed.

"Okay, but make this quick, (Y/N)" I nodded and took out a small bag, I managed to sneak some apples from Gina a day before leaving. I took out one and a bottle of water and placed them besides him.

"Okay, Flowey. Now we can leave" I said turning to the door. I crouched next to the door, and I heard movement, I walked out quickly towards the bridge, placing snow on top of the trail of blood and hid behind the rock again. I peeked, but nobody came. I sighed relieved and continued my path. 

See you from my eyes (UF! Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now