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Your P.O.V.

After I first woke up from that encounter, strange voices talked inside my mind. All of them told me to hurt Papyrus for what he had done, that he had to pay, that I needed to take revenge, and every time they say that, I refused. Also, Sans had been coming to my cell more often, and after I woke up he told me that I had punched him in the face, and... as a polite and good person, I apologized.

Right now, I'm looking at my eyes with a piece of glass I found lying inside my cell. What did Papyrus injected in  me? The color of the fluid was the same as my eyes, those line pupils, thin every time Papyrus aimed them with a lantern, or every time he cuts me. I threw the glass to the nearest wall, with more force than intended making it shatter. My head started spinning so I held it tightly. The voices returned, but they were mere whispers, slowly driving me crazy. I grunted annoyed and looked frankly everywhere looking for nothing.

T a k e  r e v e n g e . . .  H e  d e s e r v e s  i t . . .  L i s t e n  t o  u s . . .

"No! stop it! leave me alone!" my voice grew dark at the final, and I punched the floor hard making Flowey flinch. 

W h y ?  W h y  d o  y o u  f o r g i v e  h i m  s o  e a s i l y? . . . I t ' s  e a s i e r  t o  k i l l  h i m . . .

"Aaagh!" I grunted again and jumped to my feet, I paced back and forth around my cell to ease my anger. It was no use, but at least I stretch my legs for a while. 

"(I/N)? Are you okay?" I turned around and meet my gaze with a worried Flowey, I grunted again, this time not so loudly. The spinning turned into a sharp throbbing and piercing sensation, my head screamed it to stop, I massaged my temples attempting to ease the sensation. 

T a k e  h i m  o u t  o f  h i s  p o t . . . P l u c k  a l l  o f  h i s  p e t a l s . . . B r a k e  h i s  s t e m . . .

 My fingers soon started hurting and pulsing, I sat again on my spot and curled in a ball. The door suddenly bursted open revealing the font brothers, Papyrus was smirking and walking towards my cell, while Sans hung his head low... like every time they both came. Papyrus opened the cell's door and stepped in. "READY HUMAN?" he said. I glared at him, grunted and turned my back at him. "NYEH HEH HEH, YOU'RE GETTING STUBBORN"  he said rolling his non-existent tongue, "I KIND OF LIKE IT THIS WAY" clicking his tongue he neared and grabbed me by the neck, I struggled and tried to kick him, before I could kick him he poked my spine, and my body started to feel numb. "NOW... HUMAN! YOU'RE GOING TO WEAR THIS" He said lifting a (F/C) spiked collar, just like Sans'. I couldn't move, or struggle, or put any resistance at all, easy for him. He put it effortlessly around my neck, then he threw me to Sans, who easily caught me with his magic. Papyrus shoved past us and signaled Sans to bring me over. 

Sans looked at me with pity, then he neared and whispered "i'm sorry pet" and then he hesitantly put me on the cold table. Papyrus grabbed some knives and placed them on the counter, while Sans secured me. 

"NOW HUMAN, LIKE YOU ALREADY KNOW. YOU HAVEN'T SHOWED ANY MORE SIGNS OF THE SERUM I HAD INJECTED." Papyrus neared with a sharp knife, its blade was thick and was around 12 inches long. He was playing with the knife, testing its sharpness on his fingers and turning it around. "SO..." he clicked his tongue "I'LL HAVE TO FORCE THEM TO APPEAR" without any warning he stabbed me on the leg with an enormous amount of force, he laughed and turned the blade around. I screamed and tried to move, the thing that Papyrus had done on me haven't even passed, I couldn't move or struggle. He moved the blade deeper and traced down to my knee in a very agonizing slow pace. 

He took out the bloody knife and grabbed my arm roughly "I WON'T STOP UNTIL YOU SHOW ME ANOTHER EFFECT, UNDERSTOOD?" he said, I tried to nod, but failed, he grew impatient and started skinning my arm. He cut several layers of skin from me, and thew them in a bucket that Sans brought. He cut more and more layers until my forearm's flesh was totally exposed. "SO... WE'LL NEED MORE TIME~, NYEH HEH HEH" Then he put the knife on top of my hand, I was crying and sweating, it didn't matter the COLD climate outside. Again without warning, he choped my small pinky finger off my hand. I gasped and screamed again, I recieved back the control of my body, I arched my back and jerked with too much strenght. The straps loosened and one of them ripped.  Papyrus used his magic to ground me to the table, it was making my body heavier, but that didn't stop me. The pulsing senation returned to my fingers along with a piercing pain. 

H e  h a s  t o  p a y . . . T a k e  r e v e n g e . . . C u t  h i s  t h r o a t . . .

"No!" I yelled, the pain in my fingers got worse. "I won't do it!" my voice started to grow darker at the time, my body twitched and I felt something wet and hot on my hands. I moved my hand in front of my face, the one that ripped the strap. Blood dripped from the spot were my finger was supposed to be, and it was coming from the tips of the rest of my fingers too. Dark sharp claws made their ways outside, blood dripped from them, seeing them made a burning sensation inside of me. It was the sensation to rip everybody's throats with them, and chop them into small pieces. 

I heard Papyrus proud laughs, the lines in my eyes thined, and my hand tried to slash his body. My hand didn't made contact with him, since he had stopped it with his hand. "PERFECT, NOW... SANS! TAKE IT TO ITS CELL"  he ordered. Papyrus threw my hand away and went out. 

My breathing was uneasy, my heart punded quickly, the voices whispered more... and I wanted to die right now. Sans grabbed my shoulders gently, making me look at him. "hey... what was that?" his pinpricks had disappeared from his eyes, and his grip tightened. 

I stared at him, I couldn't help but chuckle a bit, "Oh... nothing Sans!" I chirped, and giggled, my giggles soon turned into insane ones. I giggled insanely and faced the ceiling feeling defeated. "Don't worry... I'm not listening to them" I said between giggles.  I hugged him loosely and rested my head on his shoulder "Ya know? I actually hate them... Their offers are staring to amuse me. But that wouldn't be funny, right?" I said again and giggled more. 

"o-okay, you had loose too much blood doll, you're hallucinating" Sans said while pushing me and threated my hand, arm and leg. 


When he had finished, he carried me to my cell and gave me some food. Sans stayed for a while just staring at me. I was playing with the pillow in a childish manner, giggling insanely. "what had he done to you..." he muttered. I faced him and smacked him with the pillow.

"Well! He has done this!" I said and laughed. "This makes me feel free... don't you see?" I stared at his eye sockets, he didn't react so I giggled again. "This is my small curse! A wonderful curse... ❄︎☟︎✌︎❄︎  🕈︎✋︎☹︎☹︎  ☟︎☜︎☹︎🏱︎  💣︎☜︎  ✌︎👍︎⚐︎💣︎🏱︎☹︎✋︎💧︎☟︎  💣︎✡︎  ☝︎⚐︎✌︎☹︎💧︎"

Sans whipped his head towards my direction "what did you say?" he asked scared. 

"Say what? What are you talking about?" I asked dumbfolded. 

"that, the thing you just said!" he yelled nervously.

"Uh? I don't remember..." I said looking to the floor ashamed. 

He took in a shaky breath and patted my head "at least i know that you're fine" 

I couldn't understand what did he meaned by that... I just remeber Papyrus cutting my finger and the claws. From there every thing is clouded... -maybe I'm just imagining things- "I-I should better go to sleep" I said while lying on the floor. 

"y-yeah... g-go... good idea" He said and leaved. 

What a long day...

See you from my eyes (UF! Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now