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Your P.O.V.

"w-what? h-how?" Sans said almost panicking. 

"Hey! Calm down" I said, using my hands to try to calm him down. 

"b-but w-what th-he f-fuck!?!? w-what t-the h-hell di-did p-pa-py-pyrus injected i-in you?!?" Sans stuttered and exclaimed panicked. 

"I don't know! But please! Sans, calm down" I attempted to calm him again. 

T h a t  w o n  ' t  d o . . . c u t  h i s  t h r o a t . . .

"No! I won't cut him!" I yelled. Sans stared at me like if I was crazy. 

"cut who?" Sans asked unsure. 

"You! Who else?!" I yelled. 

D o  i t ! C u t  h i m . . . T e a r  h i s  s o u l . . .

"NO! STOP IT!" I yelled again. The awful throbbing returned to my head, and I held it tightly. 

D o  i t !  

"doll? are you alright?" Sans said and held me by my shoulders. 

"Please! Make them stop breathing, Make them stop messing with my head!" I exclaimed.

"what? who?" Sans asked.

"Them! Stop them!" I yelled and threw my hand, almost slashing Sans. My breathing grew shaky and heavy, my hand returned to my head and I felt a lump. Suddenly I felt the urge to rip my skin of and take out whatever it was underneath my skin. Using my claws, I started ripping my skin and hair. "Take it off, take it off, take it off" I muttered and started ripping faster. "Take it off!" I yelled and Sans grabbed my hands in an iron grip.  

"hey! stop hurting yourself!" Sans yelled at me. 

R i p  y o u r  s k i n  o f f . . . D o n ' t  l i s t e n  t o  h i m . . .

"Okay" I said and got free of Sans' grip and proceed to rip my skin totally of my skull, around the lumps. Sans stared at me with wide eye sockets and grabbed my hands again. 

"you wanted to take those off?" Sans asked.

"What does 'Those' means?" I asked and freed one hand. I touched my head and felt a pointed and small thing attached to my skull. 

"um... you have small horns, like really small." Sans said and teleported a mirror on his hand. He held it in front of me and showed me my horns. Indeed... they were small. 

"Will they grow more or something?" I asked.

"yeah, probably" Sans said and touched one of my horns. 

"Is this bad?" I asked again.

"uhh... i don't really know, you already have yellow eyes, black sharp claws, pointy teeth, a snake tongue, and, now... it seems like horns. i'm wondering what did papyrus injected in you. and... if it will have even more efects. " Sans said while rubbing the top of his skull. I nodded understanding, and glanced over to Flowey. He had been really quiet and distant lately. I found him looking out a window, using my newly found powers, I readed his mind.

When is this going to stop?

-Stop? stop what?- I thought and faced Sans. He was staring at Flowey, and then he sighed. "hey! weed, err... i mean, flowey?" Sans called him. -He called him Flowey?- Flowey turned around confused, Sans walked towards him, and whispered something to him. Flowey's eyes widened, and he nodded meekly. -What are they talking about?-

See you from my eyes (UF! Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now