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Your P.O.V.

I opened my eyes groggily, with a blurry vision. My back, neck and my private part felt very sore. My head was laying on top of something soft, and something wrapped around me. I used my hands to stand, and looked around. I almost screamed when I saw Papyrus on the other side of the cell looking tentatively at me. The light shone brightly through the window, hitting the metal bars and reflecting on his and my face. "MORNING HUMAN" he said, and he walked towards the cell door. Behind him was Sans wearing his usual grin, and he held something brown on his hands. Papyrus entered my cell and neared, he tried to grab me by my arm but I jerked away. I crawled to the corner of the cell and tried to escape. Papyrus chuckled and grabbed my shirt, he threw me to the outside of the cell, and walked towards me. I crawled away and hid behind Sans, but Papyrus snatched me away laying me on the cold metal table. "YOU" Papyrus pointed to Sans gaining his attention. "SECURE HER" he demanded, Sans nodded and walked towards me with the brown thing. He used the straps of the table to tie me up. Papyrus turned around and looked in the cabinets.

sans p.o.v.

"this isn't personal" i whispered in her ear, and put a gag on her with the brown cloth i brought. it wasn't entirely made of fabric; it was mostly leathery like. she looked at me with pleading eyes –ugh!! i can't resist those eyes! but papyrus would kill us both if i do something- i brushed he thoughts off and stepped back; leaning against the wall. my bro took out a syringe filled with a sickening glowing yellow liquid inside, and some electric pliers. –wait, what is he going to do? - i asked myself filled with extreme worry and shock.

(y/n) started moving to the sides trying to break free, but she is still very weak from yesterday. my brother chuckled and neared the syringe to her arm. "STAY STILL HUMAN, OR YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE THIS LONGER THAN NEEDED" he said and slapped her, she stopped moving but she was whimpering. i got really pissed, but i stayed still, for our sakes. papyrus neared the syringe again and injected the liquid quickly, he took the sharp thing from her quickly. i heard a snap, and looked at the syringe. –that f*cker- he broke the needle and now it is inside her arm. he looked at the needleless syringe and then at her arm, and then he started laughing really hard. "THIS IS PRICELESS! SANS THE NEEDLE BROKE AND NOW IS INSIDE OF HER!" i faked a laugh, so he wouldn't suspect. she looked at me with teary eyes, she looked really sad, i can tell that she felt betrayed. papyrus stopped laughing and grabbed the pliers and a metal band. –hell no- he put the band around her head, and attached a plier to it. she jerked again, and one of the straps loosened, papyrus saw that and touched the band with the other plier sending an electric wave to her. she screamed, but her screams where muffled by the gag. thick droplets of sweat rolled down her face, and the smell of burnt flesh filled the room. papyrus fastened the strap again and looked over to her. "HAHA... NOW HUMAN, WE ARE JUST STARTING. SO PREPARE YOURSELF" papyrus said in an excited tone –he got an idea... crap- then he removed the band and the pliers. small patches of skin got stuck to the bands and revealed the flesh inside of her forehead, almost showing her skull. he grabbed a hose and soaked her, i was so confused of was he was going to do until he grabbed the pliers again and just touched the metal table. since she was wet, the electric shock went through all her body. her agonizing screams filled the small shack, and my skull. papyrus stopped and laughed, me, in the other hand, i felt utter guilt and sadness. tears formed inside my skull but i refused to let them fall, not in front of him. he grabbed a sharp knife. he chuckled and made a deep cut on her cheek while sending an electric shock, her body twitched with the electric shock, and the blood came. the smell got stronger, and she continued to cry. –ugh!! what can i do?!- i asked myself, and looked around for something that could distract him.

a loud explosion was heard from outside, papyrus growled annoyed and stopped what he was doing and went outside. the door was slammed closed, and the distant echo of heavy footsteps slowly disbanded. i looked and walked over to her trembling and whimpering body. she glanced at me and quickly tried to jerk away. "shh... hey, stop. i won't do anything to you" i whispered-yelled to her. she continued to sob and jerk away, i used my magic to keep her in place. her eyes widened in fear as i moved my hand to her. i grabbed the straps and untied them, i still held her in place and grabbed some stuff to patch her up. i walked over to he again and first, i have to remove the needle that got stuck inside of her arm. i grabbed some pliers, but not like the ones my bro used, these ones were ordinary pliers. she got scared but soon relaxed when she felt that this wasn't going to hurt her. i took the needle carefully, and then started to patch her up. i stopped with my magic and took her to her "cell". she leaned against the wall with the pillow behind her, and wrapped herself with the blanket, she looked over to were the weed was.

See you from my eyes (UF! Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now