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3rd person pov, Weirdmageddon, Mystery Shack

Dipper walked into the lounge, arms filled with boxes from the gift shop.

"Mabel, you got the last one?" He called out to his twin sister.


He dropped the heavy load on the ground with a thud.

"I think that's the last of it." Dipper thou aloud.

In the box was any and every item from the gift shop that could be useful during this strange apocalypse.

Mabel did the same as her brother, but placed the box down gently.

Time skip - 3 hours

Mabel moved her clay kitten figure up to the Candy Land Board.

"Mabel, why couldn't you just use a gingerbread man?"

"The crafts were calling me. Anyways, I landed on a pink one. Pay up, Grunkle." She teased.

"I hate this stupid game. End up landing on a character tile, and get 2 bucks - but it only works for you. Are you sure that's in the rules?" Stanley grumbled.

"Well, not officially... but I wrote it in the rule book with purple crayon, so technically it is!"

Dipper got up and looked out the nearest window.

"I'm going outside," He declared.

"No you're not, kiddo, it's too dangerous."

"The old man's right for once, dude. You can't go out there unless you wanna be stone." Wendy chimed in.

Dipper was already gone.

Time skip - breaking into the Fearamid

Dipper jumped onto a passing eyeball with pure source.

He stood up and took a leap of faith onto the Fearamid's triangular top.

"Now I just need to find some kind of opening, or passage,"

"For what, Pinetree~?" An echoey voice sand behind him.


"Looks like I caught you RED HANDED!"

Bill snapped his finger and Dipper's hand started bleeding. He whimpered.

"Haha, get it?"

Dipper looked up at Bill with teary eyes and flipped through his journal.

He thought to himself, "Bill's page has blood on it, so human blood might have something to do with defeating him."

Dipper rubbed his blood on both hands, and long jumped towards Bill, hands out in front of his face.

Bill disappeared, and he fell to his death.

But he didn't... ?

He landed on a platform with many holes on the outside. He toughed the rim of one hole, and every sucked up all the other platform and formed into bars made of burning hot metal. If you weren't exactly in the middle, you'd die immediately.


(Bill teleports Dipper in his trap cage to a small room with a triangular portal, not the one in the Shack basement)

Bill formed in the middle of the room and unarmed the trap cage.

"Now, Pinetree. You come with me and do as I say, or you enter the portal and never return."

"I'll never do anything for you!"

The walls closed in, leading to the portal.

"Better hurry up then, Pinetree..."

Dipper jumped through.

(Tydip/Rev!DipperxDipper) Alternate Crush // ContinueWhere stories live. Discover now