Part 14

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~ A few years later ~

A few years had passed and much had change, yet much stayed the same. The pines family had place the unicorn hair spell on the Bill Cipher statue, just to make sure he doesn't come back, Will was set free by Tyrone, and having a chance to start over, Will took Bill's place and are helping people instead of using them.

After all the time dating and getting approvals from both side of the family, Tyrone's side doesn't care too much, so he didn't have a problem to move into Dipper's dimension. They were all happy, Dipper and Tyrone was madly in love with each other, and Mabel had never waster a moment of her life to capture their moments and write fanfics about them. Seriously, they're her OTP. 

Stan and Ford took some time but they approve of Tyrone, Stan felt as if he had another nephew, which technically is, but anyways, they alway spent time together, playing pokers, placing bets, and do some things that are illegal. Ford was content with Tyrone, they shares each other's knowledge about magic since Tyrone was much experience in that area, in the end, they got a long pretty well.

They all live together happily, like a big family, which was official when Tyrone finally propose to Dipper, which Dipper happily said yes. Mabel was so happy and so are the Stans. The wedding was big, with the theme of white and blue. All the towndfolks came, Mabel walks Dipper down the isle and the Stan twins was his best man.

Tyrone was standing at the alter waiting and smiling lovingly, next to him was Will, his best man.  The wedding went great and everyone is happy. Dipper and Tyrone moves out of the Mystery Shack and live in their own home in the woods, it was a beautiful place, the house was quite modern, but place under a cliff. Under the house was a big river, which they could see a beautiful waterfall from their window.

Things were perfect, nothing could be more better.

But that statement is wrong. A few years later, Dipper and Tyrone had adopted two little boys, Drake, a boy with black hair, he is 6 years old and was quite confident. Adrian a little brunette boy, who is 4 years old, and is quite shy. The brothers stick together easily. Adrian would cling to Drake, while Drake would protect Adrian from anything.

They're a little bundle of joy, and Dipper and Tyrone is happy and proud to be their parents. They live happily together as a family, with friendly visit from Mabel and the Stans. It might seem cliche, but you can say, they live happily ever after.

(Tydip/Rev!DipperxDipper) Alternate Crush // ContinueWhere stories live. Discover now