Hate, Retaliate

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Very short chapter.

Tyrone exclaimed with boiling rage, "Well, I don't care who you are, but you don't have any say in how I treat Will!"

Dominic retaliated with the speed pg light, "Yes I do, because I'm you, idiot!"

Tyrone, "If I am an idiot so are you!"

"Shut up!"

Will somewhat calmly, but somewhat terrified, stuttered, "P-please don't - don't fight."

"be quiet, Will!"

"Tyrone! LISTEN TO YOUR... slave? Is he like, your servant?"

Tyrone was, in fact, filled to the brim with anger soup, but he couldn't help but notice how cute it was how Dominic kept being all awkward during their big fight.


Will seemed to be breathing less sharply now, even though he doesn't breath.

"Master, the warm and new cookies are finished."

"Then take them out of the oven, idiot."


"Don't be, Will. Shut it, Tyrone. This is ridiculous. You can't treat people that way."

(Tydip/Rev!DipperxDipper) Alternate Crush // ContinueWhere stories live. Discover now