The Woods

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Dominic's pov

I quickly ran into the room that Tyrone shares with me and fix my problem, when I finished, I walk out thinking what happened when I saw blue dust blew to my face, I didn't know what happened next.

Tyrone's pov

I can't believe Dominic saw that, what will he think now?!?! But I have an idea, I quickly got dress in my normal attire, which is my bleu suit, then I went to grab some the potion that I hid behind a painting that has a space behind it.


I went to my room perfectly timed to see Dominic opening the door, I quickly grabbed a small bit of the bleu dust and blew it to his face, which he lost consciousness quickly.

He would be sleeping for about 30 minutes more and think it's a dream, I pick him up to see Dom curls up and snuggles into me more. Cute. I smiled, then lay him on my bed, and I put my sleep potion into my drawer, just incase.

3rd person pov

Dominic woke up looking around.

"Finally you're up, do you usually overslept?" Tyrone said in a bored tone.

'So it was all a dream?' Dominic thought, but blushed, how could he dream such a thing?

"You're bed just comfortable" Dominic pouted at Tyrone, which made him blush thinking about how cute Dom was.

"Here, put them on and I'll wait for you for breakfast" Tyrone said handing him one of his suit.

"Thank you" Dominic said gratefully and quickly skip to the bathroom quickly, hiding his blush as he start to think about his dream.

Time skip - Dipper finished getting dress

Dominic walk out blushing, he isn't used to wear suits and he wash still struggling with the tie. Once Tyrone saw Dominic comes out of the bathroom, he blush as how good Dominic looks in a suit, it nicely outline his body. Even though Dominic's back was facing to him, he can see how Dom is struggling with the tie, he sighed with a smile. Dom was struggling with his tie not noticing Tyrone, until he felt something press against his chest.

"You should learn how to tie a tie" Tyrone said tieing Dominic's tie from behind him, his chest was pressed against Dominic's back. While Dominic blushed brightly.

"There." Tyrone said stepping back and turned Dominic around.

"H-how do I look?" Dominic asked shyly.

"Amazing" Tyrone blurted it out with out thinking, Dominic blushed, and Tyrone blushed seeing how cute Dominic was. "Come on or we'll be late for breakfast" Tyrone said grabbing Dominic's hand and dragging him to the kitchen quickly.

Dominic's pov

Tyrone pull me into the dining room, while I blush behind thinking about my dream. 'why did I dream that? Is it real? No! of course it's not real. what's happening to me?'  I sat down next to Tyrone, and saw Will coming out with our plates of food.

"G-good morning M-Master! G-good morning Dipper!" Will smiled placing eggs and bacons for each of us.

"Good morning" I smiled back happily as I start digging into my food and Will walking back to the kitchen. Then I look around to see none of that prissy Mabel and Grunkle Stan.

"Where is Stan and Mabel?" I asked wiping my mouth with a napkin.

"They'll be here later, I just like early breakfast" Tyrone answered.

"Oh, so what are we doing today?" I ask cursioused.

"I'm free today, so I guess you could go anywhere you want." Tyrone said as he eat his food.

"How about the woods?" I asked happily.

"But there's monster and creatures" Tyrone replied.

"That's the reason" I said rolling my eyes. "How about the woods?" I asked again hopefully.

3rd person pov

"I don't know..." Tyrone replied unsure.

"Pleeeeease!" Dominic said as he put on his cute face, which made Tyrone blush.

"Okay, we can go after breakfast" Tyrone sighed happily.

Skip - Into the woods

Tyrone and Dominic arrived at the woods, Dominic ran happily around to see if it's different to the woods in Gravity Falls, while Tyrone would blush behind to think how cute Dominic looks with his beautiful doe brown eyes full of curiousness. Dominic met some  gnomes and fairies, which he easily made friends with them. The paranormal in Reverse Falls is seems to be the same to Gravity Falls, just a slight change to their personality and attitude. After an hour or two of exploring, Dominic had calmed down from the excitement to meet the Reverse Falls paranormal.

"Tell me, how did you know about the paranormal in the Falls?" Tyrone questioned.

"Well, on the first day of summer, which I arrive at the Mystery Shack with my twin sister Mabel, our Great Uncle, or Grunkle Stan made us do the chores in the shack, so he told me to put up some signs for that fake attraction shack in the woods. There, I found this metal tree, I open to see a cabinet with two switches. The first didn't do anything, I think, but the second one opened a hole in the ground, which then I found the journal 3!" Dominic explained happily, he even took out his journal for Tyrone to see. Just then, a pang hit his chest. 'Mabel... Grunkle Stan... Great Uncle Ford... Wendy... Soos... The Mystery Shack... I left them all behind in Weirdmaggeddon... I'm terrible...I-I miss them....' Dominic sighed.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Tyrone asked when he noticed Dominic is not excited anymore.

"Nothing, I just, miss my family." Dominic said with a sad smile that made Tyrone's heart ache and guts twisted.

"Oh..." Tyrone said not knowing what to say next, but he didn't need to because Dominic continued.

"I snuck out of the house even when Grunkle Stan told me not to, I got suck into a portal because of my stupidity, they don't know where I am, they-they must be so worried! It's literally the end of the world in Gravity Falls right now!" Dominic said in a panic as he started to cry. "I hope they're okay, I just want to see them..." Dominic said as he curl up into a ball and cried.

"Hey, hey, shh, it's okay, don't cry, I could ask Will to help you to meet your family, just don't cry," Tyrone said as he pat Dominic's back.

"You... you would do that for me?" Dominic said, lifting up his teary stained face, and Tyrone only nod. As quick as ever, Dominic tackled Tyrone into a hug.

"Thank you, Thank you so much Tyrone!" Dominic cried out as he hug Tyrone, Tyrone blush as he pet Dominic's hair, it was like that until Dominic had fallen asleep in Tyrone's arm. Tyrone sighed. 'What is Dominic doing to me...' he thought as he pick Dominic up in bridal style and walk back to his mansion through the secret way to avoid fans.

(Tydip/Rev!DipperxDipper) Alternate Crush // ContinueWhere stories live. Discover now