Part 13

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All the weirdness from Weirdmaggedon was suck back into the tear, the sky turns blue again, buildings was repaired back to normal, and everything was back to normal. In front of Tyrone, Will, and the Pines was Dipper.

Dipper was laying on his knees, eyes still close, Tyrone rushed to hug him tears running down his face, but as he dug his wet face into Dipper's curls, he melts under his touch, Tyrone stared as Dipper literally melts with water streaming down on him, he looks up to see Dipper holding an empty cup over him.

"D-dipper?" Tyrone whispered.

"Hehe, my clone was pretty convincing huh?" Dipper chuckled awkwardly.

"Dipper! You're okay!" Mabel tackled him into a hug.

"Great thinking Kid!" Ford gave him a pat on the back.

"Though we lost you there" Stan ruffled his hair.

"D-dipper, you're fine!" Tyrone hug him tightly as Dipper blushed, he gently pat Tyrone's back.

"They're so cute" Will said.

Mabel squealed and took picture of them.

Tyrone pulled away, fixing his composer and saw a cute blushing Dipper.

He smiled and kiss him, causing Dipper too look at him wide eyed and melt into the kiss, not literally this time.

The Stan twins chuckled and both Mabel and Will squealed.

(Tydip/Rev!DipperxDipper) Alternate Crush // ContinueWhere stories live. Discover now