Then what?

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"If I can't treat people my way, then how do I treat them, princess? I'll conform to your orders right away, ma'am."

"You're obnoxious."

"Then you are too."

Dominic began to list off all the information Ford had told him about alternate realities.

"Well, since this is Reverse Falls, that's literally the opposite of true. If you're obnoxious and mean, I am the mirror opposite of that, which clearly -"

"Om my god," Tyrone huffed, "sip it."

Will was very quiet. He was whispering into some sort of triangular device.

"Y-yes, he's here. And h-he's so... well, h-him and himself are - are so a-adorable..."

"Get him back! I regret everything! I can't survive without him!" An echoey voice whined through the speaker.

"Will! I told you not to use that thing, it distracts from any orders me or dear sister may give! Plus, it's disrespectful to our... guest."

Tyrone turned his head to glare at Dominic, but the way he was looking intently at Will's... phone? With those big brown does eyes made him weak. So cute.

Dominic finished off another cookie and stood up, his fluffy hair seemed to hop then rest again.

He turned his heat to Will and happily waved.

"I have to go now, I'm sure Pacifica and Gideon are looking for me. Thank you!"

The old wooden door creaked then slammed shut, even though it was gently let go off. Tyrone felt somewhat hurt and betrayed that Dominic never said goodbye to him, but knew goodbye to him, but knew good and well Dominic wasn't exactly fond of him.

"M-Master? DO you need -"

"I'm fine. You can have a cookie, but just one. The rest are for dear Mabel."

"T-thank you."

Time skip, Tyrone's room, sulking for 2 hours later

"Dear brother?"

"Dear sister."

"What happened to you?" Mabel questioned, but it wasn't caring. It was flat and cold. Like she didn't care at all.

"I'm so mad."

"Why?" Mabel replied in the same, bored tone.

"Whatever, it's not like you care."

Mabel left the room after grabbing her hairbrush.

Tyrone forcefully lifted himself off his bed and looked out the window.

"Dominic is me. But I can't force him to like who I am."

He thought, "Weird how we're one in the same, but two completely different people. I'm Tyrone, and he's Dominic, yet he's Dipper and I'm Dipper."

Tyrone decided he needed some fresh hair after laying down and contemplating the realities for so long. He didn't bother to close any doors behind him and left.

Whilst walking through town and finding from rabid fangirls, he reached the empty part of town. There he found the town's newest addition, Dominic Pines, from another dimension. Despite being a snobby brat, Tryone gasped and rushed over to the unconscious boy to check his pulse.

"Thank god,"

Tyrone picked up Dipper and avoided all of humanity. He felt like him and himself were in their own bubble. Maybe it's absolute hatred, or it could be unlikely love... but it was kind of like a dream. Tyrone looked down at the sleeping duplicate in his arms, being fussed over like a baby, and couldn't help but notice how adorable he was. Good thing nobody could see this. Not even Dominic... he was asleep. Tyrone was free to stare at his beauty all day. Tyrone got curious and touched his fluffy and floppy hair. It was somehow softer and nicer than his own, and they're literally the same people. Without noticing, Tyrone began to stroke and play with Dominic's hair, all the while blushing.

"Oh Dominic, you're  so cute..."

"Thank you, Tyrone."

"WHAT? You're awake?"

"Yeah, when you first picked me up, I woke up. I didn't say anything or move because I was kinda curious."

"Just... don't take any of that seriously. Uh. Yeah, it was just some kind of... uh, like, a magical haze thing... like a... like a,"

Tyrone's face was a brilliant colour of red.

Dominic laughed, "I think it's funny how you just met me because I literally was hiding from you and now you think I'm cute."

"You were hiding from me?"

"Gid and Paz took me to a show when I first arrived, and at the end, it was your Meet and Greet. I didn't want you to see me because we're the same person, so I hid behind your house. Will found me and assumed it was you, then noticed how I looked softer. You came home after Will made me some cookies."

"Oh. I'm so stupid. And who said I thought you were cute?!" 

"You did."


"Just saying."


(Tydip/Rev!DipperxDipper) Alternate Crush // ContinueWhere stories live. Discover now