Rescue mission Part 2

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"Okay, now we just need to find Ford-" Dipper was cut short as he gaze at the throne made out of the townsfolk who had turned into stone. "oh god..."

Mabel took out her grappling hook and got up to the arm rest of the throne.

"I found Grunkle Ford! He's Golden! But not in a good way!" Mabel shouted.

"Great! Grab him and get out of here!" Stan shouted back.

"How do you think we can unfreeze them?" Tyrone asked.

"I know!" A voice called out causing everyone to look up.

What they saw was a Gideon dressed in sparking clothes dancing tiredly with bags under his eyes.

"Gideon! What happened to you?" Dipper asked somewhat mortified.

"Bill captured me and for revenge of not keeping my deal, he force me to do cute dance in his cage for all eternity. I'm so tired of being cute!" Gideon cried out.

"How do we undo this?" Tyrone demanded.

"Mayor Tyler! he's the load bearing human, pull him out and the whole thing goes down!" Gideon answered.

So both Tyrone and Dipper help each other pull out Mayor Tyler, the whole thrown collapsed and everyone was unfrozen.

The whole group quick gave everyone the unicorn hair necklace.

"Kids! You did it! I knew I can count on you - three?" Ford shouted confused.

"Oh! I'm Tyrone! Dipper's counter part" Tyrone introduced. "And this is Will, Bill's counterpart"

"Bill have a counterpart?" Ford asked.

"Well, I'm Bill's brother to be exactly" Will said.

"I- Fiddleford" Ford broke off to the sight of Old Man Mc Gucket " I haven't seen you since we parted ways, you must've hate me" Ford said ashamed.

"I tried forgetting, maybe I should try forgiven, come here old friend!" Mc Gucket said and they both hug each other.

"Good to see you too bro, let's get out of here" Stan said breaking the moment.

"Listen Grunkle Ford,  we all are protected from the unicorn hair necklace, but you can help us defeat Bill right?"

~ Time skip to after prophecy scene because I'm lazy ~

"Oh no it's Bill! ins't that what's you all thinking? Hey Gideon why aren't you dancing? chop! chop! hun!" Bill said.

"Ohohoho! this is just too perfect! you think you can defeat me? not only that you brought every threat to my existence into one place!" Bill laughed, as magical hands wrap around Ford and Stans' bodies, but failed and the hands seem to be wrap the magical bubble that's protecting Ford and Stan.

"What?! do you have to use unicorn hair on everything?!" Bill said frustrated, but was still able to ascend the Stan twins in the air, Ford and Stan was force to stay still, if not, they would plummet to their death.

"Hey leave our friends alone!"

"You've gone too far Cipher!"

"Yeah! We're not afraid of you!"

"Oh you should be! Like my brother over there" Bill pointed out, his gaze caused Will to tremble slightly.

With a snap, the group was lifted, except for Dipper, Tyrone, Will, and Mabel, in the air and was place in a bubble.

Then, a two triangular cage grew from the ground separating Will and Tyrone from Dipper and Mabel.

"Pine Tree, you have some courage to come back here, I'll make sure you never leave again!" Bill taunted.

(Tydip/Rev!DipperxDipper) Alternate Crush // ContinueWhere stories live. Discover now