Gravity Falls

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Tyrone's pov

"Will" I called out.

"Y-yes master." Will stuttered.

"Is there anyway for Dominic to have a chance and see his family?" I asked.

"Yes, you could travel to their dimension... although, I do no recommend it sir." He said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Dominic's dimension i-is currently under my b-brother's reign, it would be highly dangerous (and weird)" Will answered me, but he seemed scared.

"Is there anyway for them to get here?" I asked.

"Yes, but it would cost you to make a d-deal with my brother." 

"So be it." I said.

"But master! it's not a good idea! he will trick you by finding loopholes-" I cut him off.

"You said enough" I said.

"Will? Tyrone? Where are you guys!" I heard Dominic shouted.

"Good timing as always..." I murmured.

"Dominic!" I shouted, then I heard loud footsteps running towards us, if it wasn't Dominic, I would probably kill any person who does that.

"There you guys are! It's like a maze here!" Dominic exclaimed.


"You're just haven't got use to the house" Tyrone said and Will just smiles.

"Well, did you found a way?" Dominic asked shyly, and Will tensed.

"Yeah, we could get them here" Tyrone said calmly and Dominic brightened. "But I'll have to make a deal with Will's brother." Tyrone finished and Dominic look at him in horror.

"No way! I won't let you do it! Maybe I could go back and end his reign or something! I would do anything but make a deal with Bill!" Dominic shouted.

"Couldn't we make it a plan B? Can we just end his reign?" Dominic asked sadly turning to Will for an answer.

"We could, but-" Will cut off, but that was enough for Dominic to hear.

"See! we could! can we try to save Gravity Falls first?" Dominic said with pleading eyes towards Tyrone, Tyrone frowned and Dipper made a more sad but cuter face.

"Fine... Will, can you conjure a portal by sundown? we're leaving tonight?" Tyrone asked.

"Y-yes" Will said. "Although I'll accompany you, but you'll won't have enough magic to be safe from my brother" Will said worried.

"Well, do you have unicorns here?" Dominic asked and the two talking turns to him.


Dominic and Tyrone had gathered a lot of unicorns hair, it was easy since Tyrone had frozen them with his magic amulet, but Dominic had never believed unicorns could be so.... horrible.

Will had gathered other supplies for the unicorn spell that Ford had teach him to protect the shack, there was more hope for Dominic because he was sure the people would be safe in there.

After 2 hours, they had made enough protection necklace for the whole town. Tyrone wore one, Dominic wore two because Tyrone insisted, and Will wore one, although Will deny saying he won't be needing it, but Dominic put it on him anyways.

Will conjured a portal waiting for his master to be ready.

"What are you brining that is so many?" Dominic asked.

(Tydip/Rev!DipperxDipper) Alternate Crush // ContinueWhere stories live. Discover now