Strange World

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I woke up to someone tickling me.


"Pacifica, stop!"

I blinked. Is that Pacifica Northwest? In Mabel's sweater? Wait, is that Gideon wearing my hat?

"Gideon, what are you doing in my hat! Give it back!"

The Gideon with short white raised his chubby hand to his mouth and giggled, however the Pacifica with a big ponytail fell over and rolled around laughing.

"Silly! I'm Pacifica Southeast, and this is my cuz Gideon Pines!"

"But how? You're like, the opposite of that. Pacifica's a stuck-up brat who obsesses over riches and expensive fashion. Gideon's a stupid magic midget who tried to kill me for my sister Mabel."

"Pacifica. He kinda looks like him."

"Oh my Gompers, he does."

"And Mabel's his sister."

"Oh, oh yeah... ooh... um."

"Deary me, this is Reverse Falls... I'm guessing it's Dipper?"

"Yeah. You can call me Dominic."

"here, Dipper and Mabel are the magic people."

I dropped my jaw in shock. What? We're the good guys though.

"So I'm just taking a wild stab, but everything is the opposite here, correct?"

"Yup!" Said the Mabel-ish Pacifica with a big grin.

"If you want to know more about yourself, I can take you to the tent."


"To the Telepathy Twins."

Skip to the Tent of Telepathy

Grunkle Stan walked through the curtains after about five minutes of waiting.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to today's show here at the Tent of Telepathy!"

Still a scammer, eh, elknurG?

"We hope we can mystify your minds again today. Cue entrance - THE TELEPATHY TWINS!

Two brunette children appeared on the stage, as Stan left.

One was a girl, looked a bit older than the other, wearing a weird headband with a blue gem on it. She looked like Mabel, but prissy and mean.

The other was a boy. Hair parted to show his not common, but rare birthmark. He also had a blue gem. He looked like the type to misuse magic. The girl announced with a plastered on, fake show smile, "Hello once again, audience! I am Mabel Gleeful, and this is my twin Dipper Gleeful! Welcome to our show!"

Could he be me?

Third person pov

Dipper sensed something strange about these two. He flipped open his journal, and found the bookmark he'd received from Ford. He slowly and carefully removed the silver monocle from the centre. He then unwrapped the black cover from the cardboard bookmark to reveal a black a black ribbon.

Piecing them together, he put it on his head with the monocle over his eye, closing the other.

Blue waves radiated over each citizen, and the Telepathy twin's gems. Text appeared in his vision, stating all sorts of Magic info.

"magic gem 1" "magic gèm" "trance spell" "love spell form 62" "possibly show business"

'yeah, show business alright,' Dipper thought.

He assumed Love Spell form 62 was a type of love spell that made them not love a person, but an action.

"Thank you for coming to our show! The next show will be on Tuesday, 3:00 pm!"

Dipper shook his head, realizing he'd wasted so much time.

Pacifica grabbed his hand and rushed out go the tent for the T.T could see them.

The twins exited the tent after a blob of fans.

"And no, we never forgot the meet-up was today!"

The boy called out, "AUTOGRAPHS!"

Dipper ran to hide behind a random house as the T.T began picking out fans to come forward.

Dipper shook as he crouched down behind a beautiful white house, with the windowsills and deck painted a wonderful baby blue.

He heard a gasp behind him, and then crying.

"Welcome home, M-Master... wasn't t-the meet up t-today... ?"


Dipper turned around.

"G-goodness! You're... B-bill's Dipper!"

"Huh? No, I lived with my family, the Pines, before Bill shots me through a portal."

"C-come inside. I'll m-make you some f-food, then I'll t-tell you - um, s-say - n-no, explain everything..."

Time skip - cookies are done, sitting with Will

Dipper slid onto the kitchen chair, grabbed a cookie, and bit into it.

"U-um, so... you're i-in Reverse F-Falls. Everything is - well, i-it's the mirror o-opposite of your world."

"I guessed that."

"There, you a-are under Bill's c-command. Here, I'm u-under Tyrone's command."

"Is Tyrone Dipper?"


The door flung open.

"Aw, you made cookies already Will? Well now they'll be cold! Make more, Now!"

Dominic cringed at how rude this revers him was. What an idiot, if he isn't, his mirror opposite will be.

Dominic decided to stand up. He scooted  out of the table, got up, pointed his finger in this "Tyrone"'s face, and yelled,

"You can't treat him like that!"

"Will! Who is this freak?!"

Will turned around, tear-stained and guilty, snapped his fingers, and magically flipped Dominic's hair up, and revealed his birthmark.

"No. You're me? But nice?"

"An you're me but mean! I don't like how you treat this..."

he quickly went through choices in his mind, picking the most logical.


Will tried to his his smile, even though he didn't have to because he was in his demon form and had no mouth.

(Tydip/Rev!DipperxDipper) Alternate Crush // ContinueWhere stories live. Discover now