Arrangements (very light smut)

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"T-Tyrone? Why'd you - uh, why'd you do that?"

Dominic blushed and glanced at Tyrone.

Tyrone didn't answer.


"Oh, sorry."

Tyrone blushed, looked down, and quickly release Dominic's hand.

However, he still felt the warmth and softness. He immediately realised that Dominic was still holding his.

"It's okay, Ty."


"Everyone has a nickname. There's yours."

Tyrone felt sad on the inside. 'So it wasn't a sign of affection'  he thought.

Will giggled, as he was reading his Master's mind. It was too cute, even if he might get in trouble.

Tyrone and Dominic were holding hands, walking behind the houses instead of the streets to avoid humanity and just... be silent. As soon as they approached a new house Dom had never seen before, Tyrone quickly pulled his hand away, and Dominic took the hint and did the same.

Knock, knock.


Knock, knock.

"Get in here, Dipper. We were looking everywhere."

The prissy Mabel stood beside the old man, holding a silver stopwatch, other hand on her hip.

"Dear brother." She said in a snotty voice, flat tone.

The old man glanced at Dominic.

"We don't take house tours."

"No, Great Uncle. This is a guest, picked by me."

The old man pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.


Stanley thought, 'Dipper's friend looks a lot like him'.

Skip - Tyrone's room

Dominic sat on the bed with Tyrone.

"So you don't live with Will?" He asked, seriously.

"No. That house is his. We just visit often. That's why Mabel has a stopwatch. I usually go alone, so... I'm timed to be on schedule."

The two talked on and on, skipping subjects every minute. They didn't realize how late it was getting.

"Time for your new... friend to go."

"Great Uncle, he doesn't have anywhere to go. Please let him stay with us."

Stanley was disappointed that his nephew was hanging out with unfortunate people but reluctantly agreed.

"As long as he's clean."

Time skip - family meeting at the coffee table

"As you both know, Dipper has a friend over... hmm, name?"

"It's Dominic."

"So, he'll be staying with us until Dipper tells us he's going. Now, Diego-Nick, you'll be staying in Dipper's room as I don't trust girl-boy 'sleepovers'."

"Obviously." Snorted Mabel. "Who can't resist me?"

"Now go. Get some sleep, you have big plans coming up. Can't miss a second of shuteye.

Tyrone's pov

Me and Dominic rushed up the stairs and I lifted each layer of bedding so he could get in and be comfortable.

He got into the bed, then I followed. I clapped my hands and the automatic lamp shut off.

He said something, but I feel asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke up on the ground, and the lamp was on. I guess the thud from me falling off was enough to activate it.

I picked myself up off the ground and looked at Dome all  curled up. So adorable.

I decided to use my extra time to take a shower. Logical. I dragged my tired feet across the hallway an opened the bathroom door.

I turned on the shower to hot, stripped, and stepped in. I let the water fall over my body, then I grabbed the shampoo and rubbed it all into my hair. Whilst rinsing out my hair, I decided to play a game - I think of a person in town that I know and sing a song that fits them.

Mabel - "Because I am so popular; pop - pop - pop - u - lar!"

Wendy - "If you hate the world and you hate what you see..." I almost got mad at her while just thinking a song of her.

Hmmm... Pacifica - "If you do the cooking by the book, then you'll have a..."

Uh... Dominic - "Um... Song..."

I was having a lot of trouble thinking of a song for Dominic.

"Uh... Dominic... um..."

I slowly felt the Leaning Tower of Pisa being built.


Very light smut

I touched my erect boner. I grasped it.


I imagined that Dom was doing this to me.

"Ah~ Dominic! Uwa~!"

I was now jerking off. Damn, Dominic.

Dominic's Pov

I woke up to Tyrone calling me.

"Ugh... what does he need?" I thought aloud.

Before I could get back to Tyrone, I had to pee. Bad.

I ran for it and opened the only bathroom Tyrone had told me about.

"Augh~ Dominic, more!"

By the time I relied what those 'calls' actually were, it was too late. I was staring at Tyrone in the shower, masturbating and calling out my name.

Smut over.

The next time he said my name was when he was yelling at me to get out, which I was about to do anyway.

Just gonna pretend I didn't see that.

But I did.

I couldn't stop reimagining the scene, and I could feel myself getting hard.

(Tydip/Rev!DipperxDipper) Alternate Crush // ContinueWhere stories live. Discover now