Rescue mission Part 1

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"Mabel! You continue knitting as fast as you can! Soos! Carry that metal piece over here!" Dipper ordered non stop as people work fast and determined.

"Dipper! We got the copy machine!" Tyrone shouted as Stan stand next to him waving both hands to get Dipper's attention.

"Perfect!" Dipper jumped down and ran towards them.

"What do you even need it for?" Stan asked.

"Just incase if we fail" Dipper answered as he lay on top of the machine.

"Let it scan" Dipper ordered and Stan pushed some buttons.

Soon, a paper flew out with a picture of Dipper on it, Dipper sat up, as Tyrone and Will watch the paper clone come to life.

"Will, can I borrow a blue pen?" Dipper asked and Will hand him one, as careful as possible, Dipper slowly draw a Pine Tree shape on the blank space of the clone's hat.

"You know the plan right?" Dipper asked the clone.

"As clear as ever" The clone answered.



"Alright fellas! Let's hope this turns out better than my other inventions" Mc Gucket said.

"Everybody ready?" Mabel asked as everybody looks at her. "Dippers now!"

Dipper and Tyrone both pull down the lever at the same time. Wheels start to turn, the lightbulb starts to shine, as the shack rise up. Everything shakes as some marbles role past the crowd, everybody tumbles a bit, and Dipper accidentally bumps against Tyrone, who caught him in his arms, which caused Dipper blushed and Mabel to notice just in time. 

The chimney hoots and the shacks moves forwards as dust clears out. The shack moves heavily towards the Fearamid that floats in the sky, in the background, they could see the horrifying rip of the sky with bright neon and galaxy like colours.

"Do you think I'll have to deal with this in my dimension?" Tyrone asked.

"I think you'll probably cause it instead" Dipper joked and they both chuckled, they both stop as they can hear the echo of NOs from Ford himself inside the Fearamid.

"Great Uncle Ford" Dipper stated.

"I hope he's okay" Mabel  added.

"What are we waiting for? Someone! Smash that door!" Stan shouted angrily, and everyone follow, they moves the shack forward as they use the T-rex arm smashing through the gigantic doors.

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered.

"Soos! Go and make that statement!" Mabel shouted as Soos quickly grab the flag pole with Larry King on top and ran outside.

"Claws!" Dipper shouted.

"Ready!"  Candy answered.

"T-rex!" Mabel shouted.

"Ready!" Grenda shouted.

"The Goblewonker?" Tyrone asked, having a bit trouble with the name.

"As ready as ever boy!" Mc Gucket answered.

"What are the chances do you think Soos will persuade them to surrender?" Mabel asked.

"None" Stan answered.

"Yeah... Cause those demons doesn't look so happy right now..." Tyrone stated.

"This is a bad idea." Stan said as everyone have a look of determination on they face.

(Tydip/Rev!DipperxDipper) Alternate Crush // ContinueWhere stories live. Discover now