chapter one

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'Ladies! it's time to wake up, meet in the assembly hall before breakfast'

I was awoken from my restless sleep by Mrs Tanners nasally voice screeching through the small crack in our dorm door. The four of us groaned, the entire day was chore and don't get me started on the assembly! it was common knowledge that they meant bad news, either an excuse for teachers to moan or some 'huge' event that nobody wanted to attend.

'ugh, fuck off Mrs Tanner...' Selena mumbled once she was certain that our teacher wasn't there, making the rest of us laugh-well-apart from Ashley who lay faced down in a smudged patch of her own black makeup. We all wished she would talk more and actually make an effort to be our friend but no... she just slept in our dorm, she was slightly creepy but it didn't effect us.

I suppose boarding school was OK, I had my friends and I was just about to graduate that year, my grades were really improving and I could see a couple of A's coming my way.

'What do you think the assembly will be about?' I questioned sel and abigail, earning a shrug from selena.

'probably something about litter in the pond, it's actually disgusting if you think about it' Abi said with a nonchalant tone in her voice.

'yeah I know right, saw a lighter in there the other day' Selena answered, struggling to pull her navy blue tights under her skirt. I didn't understand why she put them on afterwards 'do you think it's from those guys at Monarch?'

I nodded, they seemed a little crude, I guessed that their grades had to be through the roof for people like them to get into a fancy boarding school... or rich.

I hid under my covers to get changed whilst Selena, Ashley and Abigail confidently changed into their uniform in the middle of the room. I could never do that, not with the scars. I was fully aware that I couldn't do anything about them but I still felt insecure no matter what. Honestly, I was much more confident in myself before the accident which I thought to be normal, adults told me to embrace my 'unique' scars but I couldn't possibly see them as anything but ugly flaws and imperfections.

Our uniform was black, blue, and green and made us look like large, lame, and ugly peacocks. Our head mistress insisted on a uniform change after the boys school created threatening rhymes about our red uniform. In my opinion, it was just a joke and there was no need to do such a drastic, money wasting thing, even if it did scare the shit out of me when their Christmas lights showed a knife through a faint but obvious picture of our head. Maybe that's why she went so mental. Never the less, I liked the red uniform; the skirts were longer (the length of them now is seriously degrading) and it was somewhat more fashionable than dark blues and greens .

'You ready Tay?' Selena asked as I threw my hair into a messy bun, a scarily messy bun.

'yep' I smiled as we flung our door open to rush to assembly. Luckily, we reached the doors in time and managed to find our assigned seats before it started. Our head teacher, Mrs Jones walked in front of us with an amusingly straight posture.

'As you all know, we would only ever call an assembly this early in the morning for something important. Now, we are not quite sure of how many of you will react to the news, however, desperate times call for desperate measures and this is certainly a desperate time... although not as much for us.'

Abi turned around from the opposite corner of the room and pulled a confused/worried expression. I nodded and giggled almost silently. It was all very abrupt but it seemed like I should be nervous.

'during our fundraiser down at the canal, the head Master of Monarch boys school decided to discuss with me the difficulties at his school. As many of you may have heard, their water tank has broken, causing some very horrible flooding. The boys were made to travel back home for the week end before they come to stay here'

A choir of concerned gasps echoed through the hall, including mine.

'I understand that this isn't ideal and probably a little weird for some of you but the boys will not be here for too long nor will they be staying in the same dorms as the girls. any questions?'

I face palmed, I hated those guys, I couldn't have cared less if they had model good looks, they tormented us and this was just their ideal chance, they had their moment at Christmas, Were we seriously allowing them another one?

A girl near the front raised her hand 'well, when are they coming?'

'Tomorrow i'm afraid. I'm sorry that it's such short notice.' Mrs Jones sighed. The girls who hadn't caved finally did and we all sent panicked looks around the room. The popular, slutty girls couldn't have gotten any happier though. They clapped and jumped for joy, I'm pretty sure the only bad news they heard was that the boys aren't staying in the same dorms as us, they'd jump at the chance to sleep with them, any one one of them.

Selena pulled at her hair and tapped on my shoulder, she only sat in the chair behind me.

'well shit, as if this day could get any worse' she slumped back in her chair 'I hope at least 10 of them are attractive, possible dates or i'll jump out the window I swear down, try me' She over reacted a lot but she made me laugh.

'oh Sel, you go for it but I really can't focus on that right now, I hate them all. I can't believe this is happening' I whispered.

'Tay, you're so fucking dramatic. You say you can't view them as dates but you will when you see them lining up at the swimming pool' she chuckled.

'yeah, i'm sure that won't happen but we'll see'

                                                                                        * * *

Throughout the day, The hot topic was all about our 'guests'. Girls were going crazy over planning their hairstyles and make up. I get why they were so panicked but I couldn't care less what i looked like for some horrible boys.

It was lunch and I sat with Selena and Abigail. We couldn't really tell Abi's thoughts on the situation as she didn't talk much which we viewed as bad because she was usually so bubbly and funny. presumably, she was pretty hot headed about the whole ordeal, I had expected that after what happened between her and a guy from Monarch. None of us saw it coming, he lead her on just to publicly embarrass her by kissing another girl and breaking up with her in our student assembly. Since then, our entire dorm including Ashley held huge grudges on him and swore that if we ever saw him we'd kill him. (well not kill him but... you know what i mean)

'Abi... you ok?' I smiled with pity

she sighed and nodded 'I just can't believe our teachers would let them stay here after our history with them, you know? it's so frustrating'

I leaned back and took a bite of my sandwich. I know you may think we were over reacting but we definitely were not. I was pretty sure they were all despicable people.

'guys, they might actually be nice, just stay optimistic.' selena chirped.

'true' I answered, shrugging 'but it's just annoying'

'mmhmm, extremely' Abi agreed before we all dug into our food once again.


Thanks for reading my first chapter! hopefully you will carry on reading, comment and vote pleaaassseeee xoxoxoxo

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