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We sat in our dorm on the night before they were coming.Selena vigorously tied her hair into many little buns in order to have 'fancy hair' to create a good first impression on the boys. When she took them out her hair always went mental, making it look like a giant brown pillow attached to her head however, it took almost an hour to settle and when it did you could see the popular girls having mini heart attacks. We weren't allowed electronics apart from a hair dryer (which i didn't use) and our phones which the WI-FI left very strict rules upon. I suppose we were lucky to have our phones anyways.

I had just gotten out the shower and my hair was dripping, I let it dry naturally usually unless I was in a rush. Selena's obsession with boys and her hair was laughable but I was slightly jealous. She was just so beautiful.

'Taylor, your hair looks gorgeous, rats tails is a great look on you' she mocked unnecessarily.

Abi snorted loudly and agreed with Selena sarcastically.

'Ahh sel, i'd rather not take criticism from a real life Tombliboo' I retorted playfully making Ashley surprisingly stifle a giggle.

Selena laughed at my answer 'look guys, I know that you're totally revolted by the idea of them staying here but have you seen some of them? yeah there are some unattractive ones but like... a lot of them are hot'

'we've seen them Sel, you know who was pretty hot? Carter and he's actually the spawn of satan sooooo' Abi muttered whilst wiping off her faint mascara. 'GODDD I was so Naive!' she groaned.

we'd heard her complain about Carter almost every day since they broke up and we'd already given her all the advice there was to give. I think she just wanted us to listen, she no longer needed us to talk to her about it.

'we really need to sleep now, if Mrs Tanner hears or sees anything we'll have our phone privileges revoked and i don't know... we'll probably die' Sel said whilst turning off the lights. We all agreed although it wasn't ideal and we made attempts to sleep.

* * *

'Tay! why do you always sleep through our alarm? They're coming today! i'm actually not too happy about it but i'll live.' she laughed whilst jumping on my bed.

'I chose to sleep through the alarm' I groaned sleepily

'well get the fuck up, you need to do your hair actually nice today' I don't think she intended to insult me but it hurt.

'what do you mean? i'll probably do a side fish tail plait... I do that all the time'

'i suppose it'll do' she remarked before ripping my covers from me, instantly freezing me to the point where I jumped up.

Selena untangled her slept in buns whilst Abi sat next to Ashley literally saying nothing. I got changed again under my covers. I wasn't feeling so reluctant to the boys coming to stay that day, I suppose I was just a bit frustrated and surprised on the day before however, if they did anything to disgruntle our school and my dorm in particular I was not going to let it go with out at least talking to them about it.

Once I was changed I sat up to braid my hair 'pull over tuck under' I thought to myself on every step. This was my thought process for most of the things I did, for some reason I found it easier. It never took me long to braid my hair and it was just simple. I mean, looking at most of the girls in my school, their hair was either extremely complex or made them look like they were going to a party (sorry Selena).

We all stood and collected our bags before rushing for the door, we couldn't be late for breakfast else we'd go hungry, not just until lunch but for the day as a punishment. Sometimes our school was way to strict on us but hey! it was alright.

As we entered the dining hall we became aware of the boys arrival. Our usual places had been taken by 3 guys and their squad. By the look of them, they were popular, quite hot but they also looked like massive jerks.

we collectively sighed 'where should we sit then?' I asked

'I guess we'll have to sit over there' Selena pointed at the far left corner 'not ideal but i'd rather sit by a few guys than on the floor, wouldn't you?' She asked this rhetorically so nobody answered her.

We grabbed our breakfast from the counter and walked to the seats that Sel had pointed out. Before sitting down I flashed a smile at those sat next to us in order to seem welcoming and to my surprise someone smiled back, i'd never seen him before, he had scruffy brown hair and he was pretty cute.

'you know Taylor, you should talk to him' Abigail laughed after realising how loud she said it.

I glanced at him, not too sure on whether he heard 'Abi! I smiled at him 'it's hardly a first date now be quiet'

He smirked, he had definitely heard us.

'I guess I should talk first then?' he questioned as I cracked a small, embarrassed smile 'my name's Ethan, and you?'

'Taylor' I smiled. I wasn't really looking to even make friends with anyone from Monarch but talking to him wasn't doing any harm.

'you um... you go to school here?' He asked stupidly.

'well... yes, obviously. why else would I be here in a school uniform?' He had confused me into thinking he was majorly dumb.

'oh, shit i'm sorry. I get nervous talking to people like you, i'm not stupid or illiterate i promise, how else would i have gotten into Monarch.'

I giggled and blushed 'it's ok don't worry and good point. Though I did think you were stupid for a short moment there'

Now it was his turn to laugh, we continued to speak for a little while before the bell rang for first lesson. I wasn't swooning nor was I even crushing in any way as my friends believed I was. I had only just met him how could I have possibly felt that way? he was attractive but I had made a promise not to fall for a boy from Monarch.


Thanks for reading! if you have any suggestions leave them in the comments as it could really help me :)

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