chapter eight

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"girls, get dressed, i'll be expecting you in the main hall in ten minutes, no later" I awoke to Mrs Tanner's obviously angry voice.

Selena shot up like a bullet "10 minutes!? I'll look like shit. What's so important that i need to be ready by 10 past 6?"

"I don't know but it better be something special cause I didn't get much sleep last night and i'm sooo tired" I groaned.

"Only cause you were thinking about harry" They both giggled.

"Harry? I hate Harry, why would I think about Harry?" I defended myself. I wasn't thinking about him the night before. They'll never know what I was thinking of, it's something I wouldn't dare tell even the closest people to me.

"The lady dost protest too much, methinks" Abigail quoted Hamlet.

"I'm just saying it as it is. Now come on, get ready" I stood up scrambling for my clothes.

In a rush, I brushed my hair and swept it to the side. I had no time to do anything else to it. We had no idea why she was waking us up so early without any warning and only 10 minutes to get ready. It was slightly ridiculous, none of us were morning people and to make us spend an extra hour and a half with the idiots from Monarch was torturous enough to give me a migraine.

After doing our usual washing routine, we gathered our things and hurried down three flights of stairs; closing our eyes as if it would give us extra time to sleep. Bracing ourselves, we entered the assembly and sat down in our assigned seats. It had to be interesting for her to be acting so serious and concerned.

We sat chatting to the people next to us for a few minutes until Mrs Tanner decided to turn up. There was a Monarch boy sat next to me due to the new arrangements so I didn't exactly chat to him. More like polite conversation about 'the boiler disaster'.

"As you are all aware, yesterday was our first day away since the boys joined us" she began. "And I'm disappointed to say that this was unsuccessful"

My head soared up from staring at my hands in my lap to staring at Abigail. She had a worried expression plastered on her face. My entire body became tense whilst I hoped with all my power that our teacher wouldn't mention us and what happened the night before. Surely it wasn't that bad.

"Six students took it upon themselves to abuse the school rules" Mrs Tanner continued.

"Shit" I whispered, causing the boy beside me to scoff.

At this moment, both of my friends snapped their head around to look at me. I sank in my seat and shook my head at them.

"They turned their trip into an opportunity to purchase and drink alcohol. I believe that this is the reason for how late they returned last  night"

At this, students all around the room began to talk. Many names were mentioned when they were predicting who these six 'junkees' were but due to our reputation, me, Selena and Abigail were not any of the names I heard.

"I'd like these students to make their way to the front please" she said sternly.

None of us stood up and my I could hear my heart beating like a bass drum in my chest. I couldn't even answer 'here' to my name during registration without worrying how I'd sound, how was I expected to fair in front of the entire school?

"If you don't come up now I will call you up myself" Mrs Tanner gave us one more chance to go up on our own terms. We didn't dare stand up.

"Right ok. Abigail Anderson, Liam Payne, Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, Selena Gomez and Louis Tomlinson get here right now"

Mrs Tanner had earned a collective gasp from the rest of the students. To this day I have no idea how I didn't faint at that moment. I felt as though I was going to slip into a coma. I felt everyone's eyes on me as I stood to walk to the front. Harry and his friends strutted there with smirks on their faces, obviously proud for some reason. Me, Selena and Abigail however were mortified and made no eye contact whatsoever with anybody on our way up.

"What do you have to say for yourself" She turned to Selena.

"I'm sorry, we didn't mean for it to happen" selena mumbled.

"Yeah, it wasn't their fault miss" Harry Walked towards her.

"They're independent enough to get here on time Mr.Styles"

"They were only helping us get back cause we were drinking thou-" Harry began before Mrs Tanner interrupted him.


He held his hands up above his head and retreated to his seat with a grin on his face. Honestly, I could have guessed this wouldn't faze him. Me on the other hand was still in a state of panic.

"Now girls, understand that you are never to be influenced by alcohol and boys again, you are usually such good girls!" I turned bright red, she really had no idea what happened to make us late and that we were not drinking.

"And boys, you have made a horrible mistake. First impressions are important and this was not a good one" she pointed at them.

I looked away from the floor and at the other students in front of us. Some were giggling, some showed shocked expressions but Kendall's expression was unreadable. It was somewhere between 'I'm jealous' and 'haha, glad that happened to her' but I couldn't begin to imagine what she was thinking.

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