chapter nine

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After being silent with nervousness for the half the day, I finally met up with Selena and Abigail at lunch. We hadn't seen eachother since Mrs Tanner's humiliating punishment during the assembly and none of us had spoken afterwards. We were mortified; we couldn't even explain ourselves to the others, how embarrassing.

Abi turned the corner, exiting her previous class. Me and Selena greeted her outside the door. We gave her a slight smile each in which she returned. I hugged my folder to my chest and we began to walk down the long corridor to the lunch hall in silence. People stared at us due to what had happened in the assembly and I didn't blame them, As much as I would try not to, I'd probably end up doing the same.

"We need to talk about it" Abigail said, grabbing a bowl of fruit and a water bottle.

"Talk about what?" I chirped, not showing how worried I was.

"The assembly" She whispered.

I brushed her off "later"

We sat at the table with our dinner, still receiving disapproving glares from the people around us. I felt extremely uncomfortable sitting in the middle of the cafeteria, surrounded by the people who had witnessed us being humiliated by Mrs Tanner. I would have been ok if what happened had matched with my 'reputation' but it didn't... at all so people being shocked was embarrassing enough.

"Well... did you see what harry did" Selena asked.

"Of course I did" I smiled

"He's so nice" she rested her head on the table.

"I think he did it cause he had an audience" I answered.

"I'm just saying Tay"

She shrugged and took a bite out of her burger before checking around the room for anyone who may still be staring at us. Hopefully it was going to be old news by the next day. It would be a bit stupid if everyone carried it on for ages. There had been much, much worse things happen at our school and they'd been forgotten about in a week.

"Taylor, don't turn around" Abigail tapped Selena on her shoulder and pointed to the table behind me.

"Whyyy??" I questioned, feeling confused.

"Why would I tell you? I'm trying to keep it away from you" She replied.

Well she shouldn't have told me something was happening then.

Certain that nothing I could see when I turned around would upset me, I sighed and puffed out my cheeks before turning in my chair to reveal Kendall sat on Harry's knee. My body tensed up as I felt a feeling that could only be explained as sinking. I couldn't understand why I felt that way, I'd only spoken to Harry twice and I didn't exactly want to speak to him on these two occasions. I guessed it was just the way my friends spoke about us. Hyping us up and giving me attention for once. I turned back around and smiled at Sel and Abi.

"Miller? I mean, its disgusting thay hes eating that way but why would that upset me?" I tensed up again, worrying whether they could see through my facade.

"Taylor" Abigail began, giving me condescending glare. She knew  "We know you like Harry and we all hate Kendall so..." she half smiled with sympathy.

"Guys, I don't 'like' Harry and what Kendall does isn't my problem. I predicted she would try it with him anyway" I explained.

Selena shook her head. "Tay... you cared enough to predict they'd get together"

Pshhh, that meant nothing.

"It was just obvious. Please... There's nothing going on between me and Harry at all, we spoke twice." I shrugged, still confused as to why I felt so upset about Kendall and Harry.

We all smiled and started to eat our food again. I kept quiet throughout lunch while Abi and Sel chatted about me secretly. I knew they were, they kept looking at me and mentioning my name whilst whispering. I heard Harry mentioned a few times so I knew they weren't being horrible. If anything, Abigail and Selena were only looking out for me and wondering if I was ok. I was. There was no point in wondering when I hadn't even expressed any feelings towards him but they were just being good and protective friends.

I felt a three taps on my shoulder but chose to ignore it due to my obvious loss of my train of thought. Breaking me out of my daze, I heard a voice calling my name from behind me whilst laughing. It was Harry. I rolled my eyes at the thought of facing Kendall when she was so smug. Plastering a fake smile across my face, I turned around to face him.

"I wasn't expecting that this morning" He laughed.

"Same, I couldn't talk" I chuckled, my heart beating rapidly.

Kendall glared at me and then Harry before tightening her grip around his waist. "Oh yeah, you completely humiliated yourself"

Explaining my feelings about her again would be pointless, wouldn't it? But I physically felt repulsed by her comment.

I moved my head backwards in shock at her rude remark. "What? Did this involve you?" I defended myself, shocked because I'd never been able to stand up for myself to Kendall before.

"That's rude! You can't say that to me!" Kendall turned to Harry "she can't say that to me"

My eyes rolled so far back into their sockets that they ached.

"She can" Sel, Abi and Harry said collectively, to my gaspy surprise.

"And surprisingly, she just did" He scoffed.

I obviously wasn't expecting him to say that to Kendall, let alone in the tone he said it in. I felt extremely nervous now and I was definitely not ready to have a huge argument after the day I'd had so I gulped audibly and spun around in my chair. My head immediately fell into my hands. I began to listen to Kendall and Harry's conversation behind me.

Kendall: why did you say that Harry?

Harry: I just thought she was in the right.

Kendall: well she wasn't. You don't know what she's like, what she's done in the past.

My entire body tensed up. Kendall had no reason to say anything like that to him. He didn't know me and she was exploiting that. I should have turned around. I should have explained that she was lying.

What kind of manipulative freak would say that? She's got to have had some real confidence to say that.

Harry: I believe you. Don't worry.

Kendall: Thankyou, I couldn't bare seeing her take advantage of you being a gentleman.

I scoffed. He wasn't a gentleman and she was a narcissistic, lying bitch. I couldn't help but feel upset though. I wanted to get to know Harry after the night before, I saw something in him after spending more time with him. Of course it would be Kendall who would take that away. Like she did everything.

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