chapter six

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"where do you wanna go?" Selena jumped in front of us and balanced on her heals.

The majority of us shrugged, I was running out of things I needed so I wasn't too bothered as long as it wasn't ridiculous.

"Victoria's Secret" Harry smirked, making me cringe.

"you do understand you're a guy" I raised my eyebrows.

"I do, that's kind of why"

"Well we'd have to walk to the other end of the mall so..."

He held his thumbs in front of his face and smiled a smile that said 'duh, come on then' before starting in the direction of the store. I glared at Selena and face palmed.

"Taylor, you need to get out of your comfort zone every once in a while" She advised.

"I do! you know that. I just don't fancy going to an underwear store with Mr. Horny over there" I explained.

"Taylor! where did you get that from?" she giggled "He's gonna hear you. Just give it a try, I need some new stuff anyway"

I sighed and continued to walk with her. She didn't know about what he said to me before. Maybe I was getting ahead of myself. There was only so much a boy could do in Victoria's secret before getting bored and leaving, it's not like he would even want to talk to me in there. We entered and I decided it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Harry disappeared around the corner and me, Selena and Abigail looked through the perfumes. Sel needed a new bottle of 'Temptation'. She'd already gone through 3 but in her defense, it did smell gorgeous.

"Do you think this suits me?" I heard Harry laughing behind me.

I turned around to reveal a red lingerie slip over his white T-shirt. I let out a breathy laugh and pushed him behind a wall to prevent any sales assistants from seeing him. Or anyone for that matter.

"it suits you" I laughed. "looks great"

He nodded "I know right, I should get it off now shouldn't I?"


"alright, I'll be back in a moment" He ran to put it back.

I was glad he had a sense of humour. Unlike me, he wasn't worried about the way he looked outside of friendship groups. That was something I wished I could change about myself.

I walked back to my friends who were laughing with each other about the position of the model on the poster. Selena ran to pay for her perfume so I turned to Abigail who pointed at the model and began to snicker again. She was beautiful of course but her position was shocking. It was made to show her flexibility in a black body suit so she stood with her leg in a split, leaning on a dark red wall.

We agreed to leave Victoria's secret after trying to locate Harry, who was stood chatting up the girls in the queue. They were all in their mid-twenties but he obviously didn't care and rather worryingly, they didn't seem to either. I suppose he did look old for his age and most women wouldn't dare pass up an opportunity to get with someone so hot.

"sooo, since we've shown you here, could you like... leave now? You're annoying me" Abigail gestured a sweeping motion with her hand, coming across as rude. Me and Selena exchanged confused glances.

"why? I was enjoying hanging with you three" Harry stuck out his bottom lip.

Selena grabbed Abi's wrist and lead her a few metres away from the guys, gesturing me to follow. We turned our heads to check if they were looking... they were but we still talked anyway.

"What was that all about?" Selena whisper shouted.

"I don't like them. Neither does Taylor." Abigail replied, glancing over at me for support.

"I don't hate them. I don't mind their company, you don't have to send them away" I answered. If Abi wasn't comfortable with them I wasn't going to make her spend time with them. She was obviously way more important to me than those guys.

"Ok, i'm sorry, i'll try to be nice. Just a bit down" She explained, making me frown.

"You don't have to be sorry" Sel smiled before turning to walk back.

Although I was still worried about Abigail, I knew she would be upset about her ex and I'd given her all the advice I had in me already. Before I could talk to her about her predicament, she was following Selena's lead.

I smiled at Harry and his friends and we made our way around the shops, working through each one of them. This was sort of a tradition with me and my friends, you'd think we'd get bored and run out of things to look at but we never did.

We reached a bench and decided to sit down. The boys were obviously tired of looking through 'boring' shops with us. We were so invested in all of the things around us that we sort of ignored each other. Sounds sad really but it was fun for us. Harry wormed his way through his friends to sit next to me. He stretched his arms out wide on the back of the bench, he thought he was cool enough to do that. I couldn't.

"Hi, I hope I wasn't intruding on anything today."

"it's fine, you didn't" I smiled "talking to you isn't that excruciating"

He clutched his chest jokingly "I'm honored. That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me"

"I know and it took a lot to say, believe me" I laughed.

"You only said it cause you saw me in sexy Victoria's secret stuff"

"you got me, damn it" I replied sarcastically, making him laugh and then send a wink which made me wince straight away. Who winks like that nowadays?

Throughout the day, I spoke to Harry more than anyone else due to him working unbelievably hard to walk with me. He was funny and cute but I held back because I felt as though he was playing to have a good laugh with his friends about my willingness to get with him (even though I definitely did not want to get with him, the thought repulsed me). I could tell he would never go for someone like me just like I would never go for someone like him.

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