chapter eleven

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I put on a fake smile (I'd been doing that a lot) and sauntered towards our door. My heart was in my mouth. I wasn't ready to have to explain myself after what had just happened and I definitely did not want to talk to Harry about his newly found relationship with Kendall.
Twisting the door knob, I leaned my weight on our door, opening it.

"Taylor, what just happened?" Harry pulled me around the corner so that nobody could hear us.

"It doesn't matter, I just thought it wasn't the best time to talk to you when Kendall was there"

"Why? What did you need to talk about?" He asked.

"Her" I paused "What she told you about me"

"How did you know?"

"I overheard You at lunch... Harry you have to believe me. She's lying." I placed my hands on my head.

By the look on Harry's face, he was surprised. I presumed he thought I  was a bit weird for seeming so worked up about him thinking I'm horrible. I had always been worried about what people thought of me so when somebody was given the wrong impression of me I didn't deal with it very well.

"Awww you care" He smiled widely and laughed "That's so cute"

I felt my heart beating rapidly "I don't"

"You do, I can tell. And for the record I didn't believe Kendall" He placed his hand on my shoulder.

I brushed his hand off however he did it again and furrowed his eyebrows. I felt a vacuum in my stomach when he looked me in the eyes. I hated feeling that way about a boy I hardly knew and who could hurt me so easily. He was hard to work out. I couldn't understand if he was genuine or putting on an act.

"You didn't? You told her you did" my body relaxed.

"I had to. I'm so sorry Taylor"

"You don't have to be" I sighed "I'm over reacting"

"You're not, I get it" He laughed.

I felt as though he was mocking me so I shook my head and motioned my hand to my door to show that I was leaving. There was no point in explaining to somebody who didn't care to listen. After showing him a slight, sarcastic smile, I turned on my heals and walked back towards my dorm, pulling my key out of my back pocket.

"I thought you wanted to explain" Harry jogged towards me.

"There's nothing else to it, Kendall lied and I needed to clear that up" I said without hesitation.

"Well I never thought bad of you. Nobody does, Ok?" He reassured me.

"Ok" I nodded, opening my door.

Selena's head shot up to look at me entering and she instantly launched behind the bathroom door after seeing Harry; I giggled at her sudden movement. That girl would never be caught dead by a male without makeup on and her hair done. The thought of Harry seeing her barefaced and dressed in her pyjamas   was the storyline to a horror movie to her.

"Bye Harry" I waved.

"I thought you were gonna let me in" He pouted. His accent jumping out at me and hitting my In the chest.

I rolled my eyes and closed the door further until he had one foot inside our room and one outside.

"You should get back to Kendall. Just make sure Mrs Tanner doesn't find her cause you'll get in serious trouble." I warned.

"I really should get back to her. We were in the middle of something" He winked which made my stomach churn and my mouth carve into a grimace. "Thanks for the warning though" He pointed at me, walking backwards down the hall.

I nodded and closed the door, exhaling and breathing all of my stress out into the atmosphere. Abi ran towards me and tugged me down onto her bed alongside Selena. Her orange curls bouncing as she moved.

"Tay you look so pale, are you OK?"

"Yeah, It's just been a weird day" I smiled.

Sel and Abi nodded in agreement. We were definitely not expecting this in the morning.

I had to explain what happened with Harry outside even though I would have preferred to forget it. Nothing had changed. I could tell he still believed Kendall. Other wise he wouldn't have been so eager to get back to Kendall. Guys like him would want to be with her; she gave them what they wanted. If he believed me he would have probably been more annoyed at Kendall but there was nothing I could do about that.

After explaining to my friends, I popped in my earphones and pressed shuffle. The song that appeared on my screen was 'You're so dark' by 'future'. I loved that song, music always relaxed me.
Walking into the bathroom, I decided to get ready for bed because it was getting late. After Brushing my teeth, washing my face and Brushing my hair, I crawled into bed and lay still for a few minutes listening to music. I stared at the ceiling and tried to forget the day I had experienced. It was certainly character building.

*  *  *

I awoke to loud, deep house music next door in Harry's dorm. I felt the bass in my chest and stomach due to the volume of the song. The floor beneath my bed vibrated and I couldn't help wondering how they were getting away with being so loud and even awake.

I sighed and covered my ears with my pillow. I had to get some more sleep but I was not going round there again. It would be like social suicide and I couldn't face Harry again that night.

"Taylor, are you gonna go round there?" Ashley whispered in an angry tone.

"Leave it" I groaned "It only caused trouble last time"

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