chapter three

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I collapsed on to my bed after the long and stressful day. The amount of studying I had done was ridiculous. Our classrooms were usually silent all the time, God knows what would happen if anyone tried to test this. However, the boys had a very different way on thinking, the lessons I with them were twisted into what they thought to be 'amusing' conversations between them and our teacher, occasionally involving one of us girls.

Pulling out my phone, I hummed a song that I had written in music that day that I called 'no promises' It was fairly meaningless but my mind was somewhere else and I simply could not concentrate. I popped in my ear phones and started playing my music, the first song being Daylight by my favourite band 'The instinct'.

The others got on with their homework but I couldn't be bothered so I merely sat and sang, they didn't mind, they found it funny that I sang my music so loud. I guess they were used to it since I did that every night almost.

Catching me off guard, Selena yanked my earphones out of my ear making me realise how terrible I had been singing. I turned off my music and made a confused expression at her.

'What?' I barked

'Ethan's at the door Taylor... whyyyy?' She whispered.

To answer her question, I had no idea why or how. I didn't know how he found me but he certainly surprised me. Being honest, I didn't really want anything to do with anyone from his school and I was not expecting him to turn up at my door. I hardly knew the guy, We hadn't even established a friendship.

I ran to the door adjusting my bra which had twisted whilst I lay down and had now become very visible, I didn't want to give him the wrong impression. He waved with an awkward smile.

'Um, hi, How did you find me?' I laughed

'look, i'm not a stalker, my friend found out from your red head friend and I thought I'd just come talk to you since my friends kicked me out of my dorm and dared me to do this' He muttered awkwardly.

'oh my god, what?' I blushed 'well you've done it now so...'

I attempted to close the door on him causing Abigail to screech. He stuck his foot in the gap before I could shut it. He was extremely forward, I'd never left an effect on someone so much for them to do this, it was weird. He stepped into our dorm.

'come on! don't do this, just talk to me' Ethan protested, panicking me a little.

'You're not supposed to be in here' Ashley glared at him before turning back to her Homework.

I stepped outside with him, closing the door so that there was a slight gap. He smiled apologetically.

'I'm sorry, I would have talked to you anyways, dare or not. My friends just wanted to rush it'

'don't worry, It's all good' I answered.

He stepped back in relief making me laugh. He did seem a bit weird from what i gathered. Asking me if I go to school there and finding my room from his friend. Why would I of all people be his dare topic... why me? I wasn't anything like what most guys go for, most of them swarmed around the sluts and wannabe models and I could see why.

'why don't you get back to your friends then' I chuckled

'Well they won't believe me if I don't bring back proof... you know?' he stammered rather cutely.

'well.. um... you can have my bracelet I guess, It's not that wonderful though. Just give it back to me some time' I slipped of my bracelet and placed it in his hand.

'that's great, aha, thanks Taylor' Ethan closed his palm tightly before running down the hall and jogging down the stairs.

Realising that I had just let a stranger run off with my bracelet, I walked back into my room and fell back down onto my bed. Selena and Abigail asked loads of questions which made it obvious that they wanted it to be much more exciting than it actually was. After I told them all that happened they seemed defeated which gave it away even more, although, they were happy that he took my bracelet in the end even if I wasn't.

We decided to get some sleep as it had been a very long day for us. This was unusual as we usually stayed up really late if we could avoid being murdered by Mrs Tanner who was normally very unavoidable.

* * *

I awoke to the sound of loud music coming from the dorm next door to us. It had been empty ever since we moved in so I gathered that it was the Boys.

'Hey, Sel, do you here that?' I whispered 'why haven't they got an earful from Mrs Tanner yet?'

'Yeah I hear it, i'm sure my dead grandma can hear it up in heaven' she groaned whilst wrapping her pillow around her head.

'I'll go and tell them to shut up' My voice cracked

'That's a bad idea' Selena rumbled but I took no notice, I was aware that I was making a bad decision but all I cared about was sleeping at that moment in time, stupid me.

Twisting the door knob, I tugged on the door and stepped outside, tip toeing to their dorm whilst bracing myself. I knocked on their door loudly due to their music being so loud, I'd be surprised if they could even hear that. I folded my arms tightly to keep heat as I was becoming very cold. A boy opened the door. He had Brown curly hair and sparkling green eyes, the kind you could almost fall for in an instant unless you were half asleep and had been woken up by his careless attitude.

'Can I help you?' He snorted.

'Yeah actually could you please turn your music down? it would be fine but we're trying to sleep' I tried to keep everything level headed.

'Well, you see, we don't really want to so no' He laughed immaturely 'wait, is this an act? are you a stripper?' Obviously he found himself hilarious however I was not amused and found him very crude and distasteful.

'Ugh, what even are you? no i'm not a stripper, just turn your music down please'

'look, if you can't beat em' join em' and you're not going to beat me... so join me' He smirked

I ruffled the back of my hair and twirled a small strand in a tired habit 'I'd really rather not join you so I think I'll pass, just turn your music down. I hope you realise that you'll get into serious trouble if Mrs Tanner finds out, just a heads up' I grinned sarcastically, making a move to walk away.

'well, thanks blondie' I heard before I entered my dorm again.

I lay back in bed and before a minute had passed, their music had been almost turn down completely. I felt kind of bad for crashing their 'party' but it had to be done and he was an idiot anyway. I guess it was something to do with what I said about them getting into serious trouble but then again, I couldn't really see their sort worrying about a bad message on a report card.


Thankyou for reading up until here! any suggestions will be taken on board. I'm sorry for any grammatical errors :) hope you're enjoying it so far!

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