chapter ten

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"Taylor, don't worry. We'll sort it out" Selena placed her hand on my shoulder. I quickly moved away.

"I'm not worrying. I just don't want her getting her way when she's blatantly lying" I explained.

Earlier that day, when we had just entered our dorm I explained the conversation between Kendall and Harry to my friends. To say they were angry would be an understatement. None of us could get over the fact that she was so sly so effortlessly. Like it was her 6th sense.

I felt bad for Harry which sounds strange I know but every boy who'd ever fallen into her trap had come out of it messed up and much worse than ever before. Kendall was poison and that was something people had to find out for themselves and not from us. Our warnings would only come across as bitchy rumour spreading.

When Abigail heard what Kendall had told Harry, she tried to stay calm. She was figuring out why Kendall had to be so confusingly horrible. Selena on the other hand marched out of the room attempting to find her. This resulted in me and Abi grabbing her and pulling her back to our dorm, locking the door. Eventually she calmed down but it took a lot to talk her out of attacking Kendall.

It wasn't just the fact that Kendall had lied to Harry about me and been a hypocrite due to her ruining our past. It was that she had manipulated us, spread rumours about us and down right bullied us ever since she laid eyes on us and we had no clue why. We never let her get the better of us but this was the day we decided not to put up with it any longer. If she carried on then that was that but we would definitely give it a try to stop her.

I also think that since the person on the receiving end of her lies was Harry, Selena and Abigail took it particularly badly. Kendall had always tried to stop me from finding new friends and always thought of the worst ways to do it. My friends liked Harry and hanging out with him and his mates so they hated Kendall even more because of this.

"Are you sure that's what she said?" Abigail stood up.

I walked towards her "Yeah of course I'm sure. Let's just forget it ok?it's not a big deal"

"We're not gonna forget it after what she's done in the past to you" Selena began "and I've had enough. Either you explain to him or I will"

"Nobody needs to explain anything" I gulped.

"Well I'm not having him think you've bullied Kendall so yeah... they do"

I sighed "That's going to have to be me then"

Selena and Abigail nodded before pointing towards the door, signaling for me to go to Harry. They were making a big deal out of nothing. I didn't want to explain just then or ever for that matter, it would show that I cared about it and I didn't want him to think that. I breathed in and opened the door, closing it behind me before walking towards Harry's door. The thought of going in there with all of his friends watching was torturous.

I knocked four times and took a step back, smiling a fake smile. I had been waiting for around 15 seconds before Harry opened the door. Luckily it wasn't Liam or Louis or any of his other friends.

"Hi" I said without hesitation.

"Heyy? What are you doing here?"

"Yeah, sorry about turning up here but I need to explain something" I apologized, allowing my guts to twist and work their way up my throat.

"Yeah... um sure. Go on then" He stepped in front of the door and closed it behind him. Harry seemed Shady and suspicious which made me pretty skeptical but I chose to ignore it.

"Well, it's about Kend-"

Before I could finish my sentence, the door opened to reveal the devil herself smirking straight at me.

So that's why...

"Hi, what's she doing here? We were in the middle of something" she wrapped her arm around his waist. Or should I say, tentacle?

I hated how smarmy and devilish her grin was. It was like the perfect visual of 'your turn, beat that'. Even her eyes displayed it.

To this day I can not understand how two people could go so full on together after knowing eachother for a few hours. Of course it was expected of Kendall as she'd done it multiple times before but I was only just getting to know Harry. I didn't think he was the type to do that even after how he'd acted towards us.

"Oh... I-I'm sorry" I stuttered before turning around and making my way back to my dorm room.

My cheeks began to sting with embarrassment. I kept my arms stiff at my sides and accelerated my legs to around 1,000,000 mph. It was really something.

"Taylor... wait!" Harry took three steps forward but I carried on towards my door. It was probably too late anyways, at that point and pace, stopping would have seen me falling or causing sparks to fly on the floor beneath my feet.

I wasn't upset that they were together. I was upset that Kendall had once again managed to win. It felt impossible that one person could be so lucky in life. The whole ordeal was awkward and I felt mortified that Kendall had been there when I went to Harry, at my most vulnerable. She had both of us right where she wanted us.

"What happened?" Selena closed the door that I had left open, clearly worried for me. Her eyes were soft and caring and I could tell how much  meant to her.

"Kendall was there" I scrunched up my face. "Oh well"

"I'm going over there" Sel smacked her hands on the sides of her thighs dramatically and stood to attention.

I positioned myself in front of the door "don't. I don't care" I lied.

"Well I do, let me go!" she screeched.

I held my hands above my head "No! Sel please, just see what happens"

"Fine" she breathed in and out "I hate that bitch"

"Bitch me too, the fuck?" Abigail gasped, raising her hand and displaying attitude. We had a habit of referencing the most random things to eachother.

Me and Selena laughed. I didn't blame them. We all hated Kendall, she was a cold blooded reptile, hence the tentacles. Gorgeous, bitterly beautiful but cold blooded nevertheless.

Suddenly,I heard a knock on my door.

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