chapter five

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Unsurprisingly, the three of us awoke to the sound of Ashley slamming the door to our dorm. On the weekends she always woke up insanely early in order to spend more time with her friends in hot topic and their 'secret hangout' as she called it. The way she left was always sure to wake us up. She was sort of our impromptu alarm.

"Are we gonna go shopping today?" Abigail said faintly.

"As always" Sel chuckled before throwing her head firmly back into her pillow. None of us were ready to get up yet.

I wrapped my duvet around me like a cocoon and lifted myself to my feet. The air was bitterly cold as a result of our window being left open since 2 a.m after Selena became 'worryingly hot' (her words) during the night. I was forced to hurtle myself across the room to haul the window shut.

"Come on then, get up" I tore the sheets off of Abi and then Selena, making them both groan.

"Fiiiiine but you're buying the coffee to keep me functioning" Abigail moaned.

I nodded my head and continued on my routine. Once i was washed, I changed into a grey off the shoulder sweater and black leggings then pulled my hair into a high, messy bun. I put light makeup on but didn't go over the top like some. E.g. Kendall. When we were all ready, we grabbed our purses and left for town. I couldn't help but feel excited every saturday about the day ahead, we rarely got any time to enjoy ourselves properly so when we could, it wasn't taken lightly.

We accelerated down the stairs and out of the door, swinging around the corners and laughing as we ran. Something about it made us feel energetic and just the definition of happy. Sounds over the top but we didn't have many opportunities to do this so we had to make the most of our time.

"Thank god we made it to the bus in time" Sel breathed a sigh of relief as we climbed on and payed the driver. Me and Abi nodded in agreement before we sat down. The seats were in two's so I had to sit on my own behind them.

We sat in silence for five minutes, calming down from our random rush of excitement. Abigail, twirling her bright curls around her index finger and Selena, drumming a rhythm on her thighs with her hands. I sat playing with the chain on my necklace. It was worn down but I took care of it. It was very important to me.

The bus finally reached our stop so we got off onto the wet pavement. The air was misty and damp which Selena said ruined her hair. It didn't, her hair always looked gorgeous. Her version of 'ruined' could easily feature on the Victoria's secret catwalk.

"where to first?" I asked

"We could go to Mcdonalds. I need coffee and it's just round the corner." Abigail proposed.

"alright, I guess i'm paying"

We walked into Mcdonalds and the others grabbed our table whilst I ordered our coffees. I wasn't usually a big fan of it but I was extremely tired and in need of a boost in caffeine form. They thanked me for their drinks and we sat to chat about anything and everything.

Before too much time had passed, I caught sight of a group of boys from the dorm next door to us walking past the window. Of course the one who opened the door to me was there. I kept my head down and covered it with my hand. The last thing I wanted was another interaction with someone like him.

I heard the door open to the sound of boys laughing about something I couldn't quite make out. I didn't need to know.

"oooh Tay, it's your guy" Selena giggled.

I nodded and took a sip of my coffee. "mmhmm. Don't call him that"

Looking up, I glanced to my left and saw him, catching his eye. I attempted to look away in time but I failed. He smiled and made his way towards our table. I mentally cursed but smiled nevertheless and lifted my hand in a slight wave.

"I hardly know him" I whispered to Abigail.

He sat beside me and nodded in acknowledgement, his friends followed but stood behind him because there was no room at the table.

"So, we aren't given this type of 'escape' in Monarch so we were hoping you'd show us around... if that's alright with you"

"um, you found your way here pretty easily" I replied, pulling at my sweater.

"I had to ask four strangers the way to the bus stop... the bus stop" He smirked matter of factly.

His accent suddenly jumped out at me. There was no way he was American, definitely British which surprised me. Although, he did look pretty British, he just had that certain look about him. Selena must have noticed at the same time as me because she let out a sigh like she idolized him all of a sudden and eyed me, making me giggle.

"oh, alright then I guess" I pursed my lips.

"thanks, I never got your name"

"Taylor, you?"

"Harry, nice to meet you Taylor. Or as they say, Blondie" He laughed, a direct reference to our previous meeting.

"ugh, not Blondie" I groaned whilst giggling.

He laughed, I didn't find it that funny but who was I to judge? Selena and Abigail stared at me in awe. They were pretty shocked that I was actually talking to the person they referred to as 'the hot one from Monarch'. He was alright, I'd never really looked at him enough to think about that. From what i'd seen at the pool he had a great body and that, I did pay attention to, it was impossible not to. In my opinion, my friends were a bit over the top about harry. I'd only spoke to him twice and they were already very excited. I can't blame them though, I was the same when Abi met Carter and Selena met Evan. They're their ex's but it's still the same feeling.

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