chapter seven

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I sat on a Railing beside Selena and Abigail and behind Harry, Liam and Louis who sat on the grass. I felt kinda bad for them because the grass was wet and nobody really wanted to sit there but we managed to find somewhere to sit before them. It was almost 9pm and we were expected back at 9 but we were losing track of time. Laughing until we cried over ridiculous things and playing our music too loud at back of a field. Liam was in charge of the music we played which meant that we didn't hear too much of my favourite music but that was alright.

"we should play truth or dare" Selena sang.

"we could if you want" Louis agreed.

we all gave a nonchalant nod. May as well, all we'd been doing was talking. I rarely chose a dare because I was worried about what people might make me do. Earning me the title of a chicken but so what?

"someone truth me" Abigail requested.

"how was your first kiss?" Selena giggled, already knowing the answer.

Abigail glared at Selena "shit, he had a panic attack half way through cause he was so nervous."

Harry puffed out his cheeks whilst trying to contain his laughter before letting out a loud spitting cackle. Louis and Liam soon followed by doing exactly the same as him, Selena just sitting -arms crossed- proud to be the source of the laughter.

"don't laugh, it was horrific" Abi exclaimed.

We giggled before Louis decided to ask me. "truth or dare Taylor?"

"dare" I hesitated.

"kiss me or Liam"

I wasn't expecting that, I'd never been kissed and i did not want my first to be with some random Monarch guy during a game of truth or dare. I noticed harry glare at Louis but dismissed it because i wasn't used to guys giving each other 'dirty looks'. Having hardly spoken to the two, I decided to make an attempt to choose truth.

"umm, i'm not doing that. can I change? truth"

Harry smiled at me "ignore him, he hasn't been near a girl since... God only knows"

"Shut up Harry. notice I said Liam too? if she chose you you'd just tangle her in your web like you did Chelsea... and Freya and Lily and... everyone" Louis retaliated.

"what the fuck? Why do you have to bring that up? Trying to ruin things like you always do?" Harry snapped back, standing up.

I stood next to him to prevent anything happening. They were intoxicated, had a lot to drink. Us girls were luckily sober, allowing us to keep control of the situation. I was fairly certain they wouldn't be like this without alcohol in their system. Although, this certainty was mostly hope because I wanted nothing to do with people with such hot tempers towards their friends.

"you two! be quiet! you're being stupid." I intervened.

"OI! don't call me stupid" Louis slurred his words, I knew he was drunk.

I rolled my eyes. The teachers would surely smell the alcohol on them and if not, they would be able to tell by the nasty hangover they were sure to get the next morning. That and their change in attitude.

"come on, we should get back. realistically, we should have been back at least half an hour ago and we're still in a field 20 minutes past curfew."

I collected my bags and took the lead, walking to the bus stop. Abigail ensured that the boys didn't row as we didn't want them to regret anything the next day. we gave the driver our money and sat down. Selena waltzed down the isle and went to sit down next to me.

"you stole my seat" Harry declared, making me stifle a laugh.

Selena looked at him worryingly "i did?"

"yes and I..." Harry's voice trailed off.

Sel giggled " fair enough, I'll sit by Abi I guess" She stood, rubbed his shoulder and took a few steps to sit with Abigail.

Harry placed his hand on my thigh and smile a very wide, dimpled smile, making me weirdly nervous. I smiled back in the same manner.

"you were fun today" He whispered for no reason.

"I'm always fun" I whispered back, mocking him.

"I hope so" He whispered again, winking.

I couldn't quite understand the meaning behind the wink but I gave one back and laughed, hoping he wasn't being rude.

He rested his hand on my thigh for the rest of the journey while i ignored his slurred one liners that made no sense. All i could do was say 'oh' and nod because I couldn't understand him. The things I could understand were far too awkward to answer on a crowded bus.

As we reached our stop, I collected my things and gave him his before sprinting along side the others towards the school. Worried of what awaited me, I braced myself in front of the doors and took large strides. A failed attempt to be confident.

"You're late" Mrs Tanner greeted us.

"I know, I'm so sorry, we decided to take a detour and got lost." I lied.

Mrs Tanner glared at the boys standing behind us, turning her eyes into fiery slits. They looked so obviously drunk.

"Have you been drinking?" She questioned us.

"NO!! How dare you? I have never been more sober in my whole, entire, big, full, complete life" Harry defended himself, proving to our teachers that he had been drinking.

Us three girls simultaneously face palmed, shaking our heads at the same time.

"we will not handle this lightly. This has been an abomination of school rules. Get to your dorms this instant, I will deal with you tomorrow" She ushered us up the stairs forcefully, causing Liam to trip over his feet and almost land face first on the 3rd step.

Harry mumbled about Mrs Tanner all the way to the dorms. Most of us did, she was horrible and rude and so unimaginably strict. Before opening our door, I waved at the boys, receiving three wide eye grins and enthusiastic waves back.

I was glad to have spent the day with them. Of course there was a fight and Miserable thoughts when entering a few choice shops but nothing too bad and if we were going to get through the guys staying in our school, we may as well have made it fun, right? I didn't hate Harry as much any more but I still needed time to learn to like him.

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