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Jack was still writing, "So it look like it going to take... 3 years to get my education." Jack sigh and heard the door open.

Jack stand up straight and saw two man entering the cafe. One was holding a book. He look like he was wearing a very cheap suit

But... the other one have red hair with a very expensive looking tuxedo.

The red hair noticed Jack, Wow he kinda cute for a worker...

The red head walk to Jack and said "I want a latte with low fat milk, whipped cream and chocolate syrup on top"

Jack nodded. Mark pulled out his wallet looking for the money. Jack noticed the wallet it look like it was going to exploded

Mark pulled out a 50 dollar bill. Jack give back his change. Jack went to the back to make his latte

While Jack was moving around,Mark was checking out his body. Jack could feel his eye on him

Mark look around, no one was here only him. Mark can't help but stare at his green hair... and that body

Jack quickly make the latte and returned. Wade was on the phone saying that Mark was on his break

Mark grab the latte and smiles. "You have really beautiful eyes..." Jack heard and blushes "Thank you"

Wade look at his watch "Mark, come one your break ended." Mark look at Wade and sigh "Ok I'm coming"

Mark quickly look at Jack "Here my card if you change your mind about this job."

Yes Master ♡Septiplier♡ •Book ONE•Where stories live. Discover now