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Jack POV

Dark pick me up, bride style and carry me all the way to the living room

I noticed Anti laying down on the couch with the TV remote in his hand

"Hey Anti, looked what I got!" Dark yelled

Anti looked up and saw me in Dark arms

"That great Dark, but I'm not in the mood to fuck kitten, tho bitches from last night really did a number on me..."

"You mainly got wet pussy while I get big hard dick..." Dark teased

"Hey! At least I don't smell like a bar!"

"Your one to talk!" Dark rolled his eyes

"By the way, I thought you will put him into a slutty maid outfit..."

"Now you tells me," Dark put me down, and now I was standing on my feet

"Don't worry I got this," Anti snaps his fingers and the room filled with green smoke "There..."

I looked down, I was in the maid uniform

"Hm, not bad Anti, Skin tight."

"Dark? Which panties should he wear? A white lace one or the black lace one?"

Dark looked back at me "Let him try it both..."

Dark POV

"Kitten stand on the coffee table,"

I watch him, getting on the table, I grab the black lace panties and gave it to him

"Removed your diaper and slip these on."

"What!?" He said

"Kitten, you don't want us to tell Nathaniel that your being bad..."

Anti chuckles "Nice legs princess, we should got a camera..."

"Nah, lets this be enough."

I looked back at him "Your lucky we're going easy on you"

Jack POV

I gulp and begin pulling my diaper down, I toss it on the floor and step into the leg holes of the panties

I slowly slide it up and now I'm wearing it. I looked up at Anti "Okay, now lift up your skirt..."


I slowly lift up my skirt, "Okay, now turned around"

I turn around and I felt Dark cold hand lifting my skirt from behind

"You have a cute ass"

"Okay, now take that off like you did with the diaper and put the while one on..."

Nathaniel POV

I'm walking down a dark alley way and spotted the brown wooden door at the end

I knocked on the door as I heard a heavy men voice


"Nathaniel Valentine"

After the noises of unlocking the door

I walking in "I'm looking for the Red Men."

"He is in the last door to your left."

I nod as I walk down the hall "He the only one that can give me the right supplies for my plan..."

I finally made it to the door as I knocked

The door slowly open as heavy mean voice spoke "Hello Nathaniel..."

Jack POV

I could feel tears running down my face, I'm now wearing the white panties

"I like that pair on him," Anti said

"Me too, Now Kitten..."

"Go in the kitchen and make us something to eat while me and Anti..."

"Gets ready..."


Thank you so much! I have a nice little break and now I'm back!

Anyways it's the middle of my spring break so I didn't update this book until now

Thank you so much for each and every one of you for waiting for this book to update!

Thank you so much!


Yes Master ♡Septiplier♡ •Book ONE•Where stories live. Discover now