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Nathaniel POV

I smirks as I took a seat in the middle of the room

I looked across the round table to the Red Man...

He looked up at me, his scar across his eye hadn't fade away, yet.

"So Nathaniel... long time no see..."

I smirks "What's up old man."

"Heh, still the same attitude... so what you want?"

"You know exactly what I want, and I needed it..."

He show me a smirk "Money First."

I sighed as I pulled out a suitcase, I unlocked the locks and open it

Showing stacks of hundreds dollars bills. He grab a stack as he starts counting it

"You're a good kid Nate."

"I'm not a kid. Where mine reward?"

He snaps his finger twice "Be a good little boy with that toy..."

He slide across a black suitcase on table with red metal locks

I unlocked the suitcase as I open it

I looked up at him and smirks
"Thanks old man..."

I close the suitcase as I stand up

"Until next time..."

I begin walking out the room... Kitten will have fun... in a different way...

|Time Skip|

I finally made it to my house, I walked through the doors as I see Dark and Anti on the couch watching porn

"Where Kitten?" I asked

Anti looked up at me "Kitchen."

Dark looked at my suitcase "Is that what I think it is?"

I chuckles "You bet."

"I'm going to see Prince Charming..."

I walk to the basement door and starts walking downstairs. I walk in the dark alley until I see Mark


He slowly looked up, his hands handcuffed over his head


"Fuck off."

I could see the anger in his eyes "Geez... someone not in the mood..."

I chuckles "I just wants to show you something..."

"I don't care..."

"Oh! I think you will!"

"Just to let you know. Kitten is okay."

Mark POV

"He just in a slutty maid outfit..."

"He in what!?"

I want to move my hand so badly but I couldn't "Damn bastard..."

"Watch your language prince..."

He unlocked the cell as he move closer to me

"If I was you, I will watch my mouth..."

He hold a suitcase in front of me, he opens it as my eyes widen


He chuckles "That right. Now watch your mouth prince..."

He walked out my cell



Dark POV

"Man. How long Kitten is going to be gone."

Anti looked over at me "I'm hungry!"

Nathaniel walked in the room "I can't believe you guys... a slutty maid outfit..."

"Oh come on! You like it don't you..." Anti teased

Nathaniel sighed "Did you closed all the doors?"

Anti looked at Nathaniel
"Wait, What!?"

Nathaniel looked at Anti and then at me "Did you closed all the house doors!?"


Nathaniel POV

I quickly slammed open the kitchen doors and looked around

He Gone.

I quickly turn to Dark and Anti

"Find him."

They nodded as they quickly ran out the door

I looked at the kitchen "Well played Kitten... but this was your worst time to play..."

Jack POV

I quickly ran as I fast as I can, down the block

I don't care if I'm in the maid outfit, I need to save Mark

Soon the smell of alcohol came, I quickly hide behind the bushes

Dark and Anti ran down the block, yelling and cursing at each other

I quickly ran down a few blocks away from Nathaniel and the opposite way of Dark and Anti

I sighed as I don't see them, What can I do... I need to save Mark

Soon I heard someone humming, I looked up, its what a man with a white mask over his face

He was carrying groceries bags

Why does he looks familiar!?

My eyes widen as I jump out of the bush




Who Ever Know This, I Love You


Yes Master ♡Septiplier♡ •Book ONE•Where stories live. Discover now