getting down

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This book is completely fictional and is a product of the authors imagination. If you or any one you know have any similarity to this book it is completely coincidental. The Author (which is me) is not responsible for any feelings or memories revoked. So don't try to sue me for it..... Pls vote!!!! Support me on IG@cheshire_beauty._

He put me down on the bed gently as his pierced me with his beautiful brown eyes. As he drew closer to me his lips brushed against mine and i could feel his every warm breath every Time he exhales.

Mikhail started kissing .e gently at first but his kisses grew more and more aggressive by the second. He was hungry for me I could tell.

We broke apart for a short second so I could pull his shirt off. I threw to one side of the room and i think something broke.

He unbuckled his pants and unzipped mine. I took a moment to look In his eyes.
They were so filled with passion and lust.
I felt the pain in my Nether regions as he started to go in and out. He resumed to kissing vigorously and started to trace his hands up and down my body admiring every curve there is.

As I had begun to adjust to his size and length he sped up pace. He began to nibble on the side of my neck leaving a Hickey there.   He slid his tongue. Back up to my face and resumed kissing.

He pulled away and stared at me. "Your gorgeous" he spoke.

I could feel my cheeks heat up as he kissed my cheek.

Mikhail got up and searched in his pants for something. I couldn't decipher what it was.  He brought up a small velvet navy blue box, got on his knees and with that he opened it.

Inside lied a beautiful 32 karat diamond and gold ring.

"I know we barely know each other and you are only seventeen but no rules apply down these parts. I love you and I want you to be my wife. We both know its gonna happen soon and since I took your virginity let's seal the deal. Dahlia will you do me the honour and marry me. "

I paused for a second. Not wanting to say yes but I loved him.

"Sure of course,yes." I whispered. "Yes."

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